David Jacobs, a crusader for justice in Israel, is calling attention to the case of Ben Deri, a young man whose story was well known in Israel four years ago but has now been largely forgotten. Here are some of the details:
In the October 4, 2011 Shalit exchange, 1127 Arab terrorists were released from Israeli prisons. On July 28, 2013, in the John Kerry deal, the Israeli Cabinet agreed to release 104 Arab terrorists from prison to restart the “peace” negotiations with Abbas. The terrorists would be released in four groups of 26 each over a period of nine months.
On April 14, 2014, Baruch Mizrahi, an Israeli policeman and a father of five from Modiin, was murdered by a terrorist released by the Netanyahu government in the Gilad Shalit prisoner swap. In response, the Netanyahu government decided not to release the final group of 26 prisoners. The first 78 had already been released. The Arabs began rioting on May 14, 2014, their Naqba day, outside Ofer prison.
Fifteen Border Police were surrounded by thousands of Arab rioters, and an Arab was shot. Ben Deri, the commander of the Border Policemen, was charged with shooting a live bullet, rather than the rubber bullets the police were using. This finding was based solely on the report by the Abu Dis Institute of Forensic Medicine.
Ben spent three months in jail and in January 2015 was released to house arrest which he has been under until very recently. He is now allowed out during the day for work in his father’s factory. The prosecution has asked for a 27-month jail term with no time
consideration for time already served. Sentencing will be this April.
It is necessary to shine the light on the Ben Deri case. This young man represents all the police and soldiers who serve their country and then end up becoming victims of an unjust justice system. This young man’s life must be saved.
For additional information contact:
Honenu.org.il@gmail.com or amchazak1836@gmail.com

David Jacobs is the son of Bob and Elaine Jacobs, super activists for Israel.
David lives in Modi’in and took Helen to meet Ben Deri.