
YES! I recognize the importance of continuing my support for AFSI and for Israel. I want to be a part of the organization that works to ensure the future of Israel.

Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the US under EIN #51-0181418 . Charitable contributions supporting Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Gifts may not be fully tax-deductible based on benefits received. For more information, please email the AFSI office or call 212.828.2424.

Choose one below for donating via credit card.

Make Checks Payable To
Americans For A Safe Israel | PO Box 286305 | New York, NY 10128

Gifts of Securities
We accept gifts of appreciated securities, which can generate excellent tax benefits.

Invest in the Future of Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI
Remembering us in your estate planning is an important way for you to be a vital partner in building and strengthening the future of Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI and guaranteeing that its mission continues.  Bequests, life income gifts, retirement plans and paid up life insurance policies are some of the gift planning options available for you to consider. 

For further information and to discuss in confidence, please contact Judy Freedman Kadish or call (212) 828-2424.



Donate through your donor advised fund on DAF Direct

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