Thursday evening, March 15, Terrace on the Park in Queens, NY was the scene of a gathering of over 700 people, brought together by the National Council of Young Israel, to celebrate 70 years of the creation of the State of Israel, as well as President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Helen Freedman, AFSI’s Co-Executive Director, was one of the many honorees, given the Aishes Chayil Award. Ken Abramowitz, AFSI Board member was honored with the Shofar Award. Helen was so pleased and thankful to AFSI’s loyal members and Chizuk participants – those who join the semi-annual missions to Israel over and over again, for attending in such large numbers. It was a joyous reunion for the many friends and family who helped to make the event so meaningful.
Councilman Arieh King from Jerusalem has escorted the AFSI group around Yerushalayim for many years. We were especially pleased to greet him at the event and to see him as part of the delegation which honored Consul General Nivia Rosemary Arauz Monzon from Guatemala for that country’s announcement in support of their embassy in Jerusalem.
Sander Gerber introduced the subject of the Taylor Force Act which would withhold U.S. Funds to the PA while they continue to pay terrorists and their families for their murderous deeds. The audience was encouraged to call the offices of Congressman Eliot Engel (202) 225-2464 and Senator Mitch McConnell (202) 224-2541, to urge them to get the Bill passed in the Senate. It has already passed in the House. Stuart Force, the father of Taylor Force, z”l, who was brutally knifed in Israel by a PA terrorist, after surviving service in Iraq and Afghanistan, spoke movingly about his son and his tragic death. We know that Taylor Force is only one of the many victims of Arab terrorism. Closing off the spigot of funding for the terrorists is the only logical thing to do.
Kudos to Dinner Chairman Dr. Joseph Frager, to the Journal and Dinner Coordinators, Carol and Judah Rhine, and to the Program Chairmen, Rabbi Marc Volk and Rabbi Binyamin Hammer.
Congratulations also to all the honorees and speakers. Special thanks to Anthony Scaramucci, who concluded the evening with warm and complimentary remarks to the Jewish community.
AFSI looks forward to this beginning of a meaningful and productive partnership with NCYI in championing the many causes in Israel and America that cry for attention and action.

AFSI Co-Executive Directors

AFSI Board Member Ken Abramowitz

Charlie Bernhaut with Len Weiss