AFSI’s Co-Executive Director, Judy Freedman Kadish, met Congressman Pete Roskam, (R-IL) at a NORPAC event held at the home of Rabbi Steven & Yael Weil in Teaneck NJ on Sunday morning, March 18. Representative Roskam earned his JD at Chicago-Kent School of Law and is in his 6th term representing his suburban Chicago constituency. Among his many other roles, Roskam serves as a co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus, the largest Republican congressional organization dedicated to strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship.
In March 2017, he took part in introducing the Anti-BDS Bill stating,”The BDS movement is nothing more and nothing less than the latest attempt by Israel’s enemies to destroy the Jewish State. After their repeated military conquests ended in failure, they have now turned to economic means in the hopes of achieving the same outcome. Thankfully, the United States Congress – and the American people – will not stand for it. We will oppose all forms of economic warfare against Israel and Israelis.”
He is all for re-imposing sanctions on Iran, even if the US stands alone in doing so andwas encouraging in his assessment of the likelihood of getting the Taylor Force Bill passed in both houses of the Congress.
Congressman Roskam is clearly is one of Israel’s best friends in the Congress and we wish him continued success in all that he does for Israel and the Western World.

with Judy Kadish

Vice President of NORPAC Dr. Mort Fridman