This Mission Will Be Finished

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Wednesday to “finish the mission” in the southern Gaza border city of Rafah, where at least four Hamas terror battalions and its leadership are preparing to defend their iron-fisted control over the enclave.

Speaking in a meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem with representatives of hostages’ families and bereaved families from the Heroism Forum and the Hope (Tikva) Forum, Netanyahu pledged to continue the war until all of its goals are achieved.

“The idea that we will halt the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question. We will enter Rafah and we will eliminate the Hamas battalions there – with or without a deal — in order to achieve the total victory,” Netanyahu told the gathering.

Israel must reach the goals of this war and win the fight against terrorism along with freeing the hostages, whether alive or not. Israel should not bow to any international pressure nor conceed to any demands by Hamas.

Netanyahu Vows to ‘Finish the Mission’ in Rafah, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, April 30, 2024

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