A Step in the Wrong Direction

The U.N. General Assembly voted 143-9 on Friday to give the Palestinians unprecedented rights for a non-member observer state Full U.N. membership was still not granted.

Always one to illustrate his point, Gilad Erdan, the Israeli U.N. ambassador, used a miniature portable shredder to destroy a copy of the U.N. Charter during his speech prior to the vote. He suggested that the General Assembly was circumventing the institution’s founding principles in granting exceptional status to the Palestinians.

Erdan said the General Assembly was voting to “advance the establishment of a Palestinian terror state, which will be led by the Hitler of our times.” Erdan held up a picture of “President Sinwar” and pointed to polls indicating Hamas would take control of Palestinian territories in Judea and Samaria should another national election be held.

Professor Eugene Kontorovich offered a hopeful outlook in his New York Post article stating that the vote: “gives any future president an extraordinary opportunity. The United Nations is a corrupt, failed organization fundamentally tainted by its coddling dictatorships and chronic antisemitism, but broad efforts at defunding it have failed in Congress; now a future White House would have firm grounds to stop sending the checks.”

At UN General Assembly, Palestinians get novel rights for non-member observer, no membership, by Mike Wagenheim/JNS, May 10, 2024

If the United Nations grants Palestine ‘statehood status’ a future prez could cut off funding to UN, by Eugene Kontorovich/New York Post, May 8, 2024

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