A Shameful Discussion

The Knesset Constitution Committee on Monday discussed the public defense bill, during which bereaved families expressed outrage over the fact that the State of Israel will fund the October 7th terrorists’ legal defense.

“You dance on the blood of our soldiers who fell because of the Nukhba terrorists. This isn’t stupidity, this is deliberate evil against our people. My daughter was murdered, and I have to fund legal representation for those who murdered her?” said Galia Hoshen, whose daughter Hadar, was murdered at the Nova Festival.

It should be obvious to the powers that be that Israel’s law to fund terrorists’ legal defense needs to be changed. October 7 was the last straw and Israeli lawmakers should use this horrific tragedy to drive home the point that no funding will be given. It’s not rocket science and no discussion or debate is needed on this either.

Bereaved father shouts: ‘The victims should fund the terrorist’s defense?’ by Hezki Baruch/Israel National News, July 15, 2024

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