Netanyahu En Route to a Chaotic D.C.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu departed on Monday morning for Washington, where he will meet with US President Joe Biden. Netanyahu will deliver a politically precarious speech before Congress at a time of great uncertainty following Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race and amid domestic pressure on Israel’s leaders to reach a deal with Hamas for the release of the hostages held in Gaza.

Striking a bipartisan tone, Netanyahu said he intended to reaffirm to the US that “regardless of who the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains its most indispensable and strongest ally in the Middle East.”

Standing on the airport tarmac on Monday, however, Netanyahu stressed that “in this time of war and uncertainty, it is important that Israel’s enemies know that America and Israel stand together — today, tomorrow, and always.”

AFSI wishes Prime Minister Netanyahu success on his highly anticipated visit to Washington, D.C., and his address to the United States Congress. Between the war in Israel and the political chaos in the U.S., we know that the major points Netanyahu will discuss in his speech will be a welcome reminder to many and a much-needed wake-up call to the haters of Israel.

Netanyahu departs for Washington amid turmoil in the US, disputes at home, by Lazar Berman, TOI Staff and Agencies/Times of Israel/July 22, 2024

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