Texans Take Bold Legal Step

A legal challenge to the US administration’s sanctions policy was initiated this week in a Texas federal court by Texans for Israel, Professor Eugene Kontorovich reported in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday (Biden’s Unconstitutional Sanctions on Supporters of Israel). The lawsuit cites concerns over free speech, due process, and equal protection. Kontorovich, an expert in international law, is a member of the plaintiffs’ legal team.

Texans for Israel is an American Christian Zionist nonprofit headed by Michael Isley, which filed the lawsuit with American Jews living in Israel ( Regavim, A.R.; Meir Deutsch; Yosef Ben Chaim; and Ari Abramowitz). They argue that the Biden administration has been using an executive order to impose unprecedented sanctions on Israelis who disagree with Biden’s policies.

Americans for a Safe Israel applauds Texans for Israel for taking this bold legal step to pursue action in the fight to disseminate the truth about Israel.

‘Texans for Israel’ Sue Biden over Sanctions of Israelis, by David Israel/Jewish Press


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