AFSI Was There – With Women in Green – Holding Onto the Land That Would Become the New Home for the Displaced Jews of Netiv HaAvot

It was the Fall of 2011 and Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI was in Israel with its Chizuk Mission, preparing to go to Hebron for Shabbat Chaye Sarah. We had previously arranged with Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover of Women in Green (WIG) to meet them in Netzer, a contested area between Alon Shvut and Elazar, in order to plant trees so as to preserve the area for Jewish life. The day was rainy, but that didn’t deter us. We met Nadia and Yehudit as planned and began the planting. The confrontation with the Arabs was NOT planned, as the below video shows. But AFSI and WIG persevered.

It is because of the ongoing efforts of Nadia and Yehudit, and AFSI when the opportunity was there, that Netzer was saved and will now become the site of the new homes for the displaced Jews of Netiv HaAvot, who just experienced the irrational, unjustified, despicable demolition of their Jewish homes by the Jewish government in the Jewish homeland.

May this be the last such desecration of Jewish life in Israel.

Read more on this story here.

Rainy confrontation in Netzer:
Arabs attack AFSI and Women in Green members planting trees (Winter 2011)


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