And the Hall of Shame Award Goes to…

In the past seventy years, there have been 25 administrative detentions of Jews in Israel, out of which 19 were carried out in the year and a half of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s tenure. According to one reporter, this is an unprecedented, predatory campaign against the Jews of Judea and Samaria.

Most of the time, administrative detention is done for security reasons, on the grounds that the detainee may endanger the security of the state sometime in the future.

MK Menachem Begin (then chairman of the Herut Party) attacked the use of administrative detention, comparing it to Nazism: “There are tyrannical laws, there are immoral laws, there are Nazi laws. Don’t ask me who determines which law is Nazi and which law is immoral. The law you used is tyrannical, it is immoral, and an immoral law is also illegal.”

Looking back, all the administrative detentions of Jews were carried out as a result of Arab terrorism. This is a travesty of justice that must stop.

Gallant Set All Time Record for Administrative Detention of Jews, by David Israel/Jewish Press, May 31, 2024

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