As Concern Grows, Hebron Leaders Demand Action

As terror attacks in the Hebron and Gush Etzyon areas escalated over the weekend, residents demanded security forces close off access roads leading towards Palestinian villages.

“The region was relatively quiet for months, because ever since the war started the access to the roads from the villages was closed. But as soon as they let them move freely, the attacks start. Just this morning, another attack happened because the roads were opened,” said Meir Dana-Picard, Chairman of the Board of Residents in Mount Hebron.

He was referring to Sunday morning’s drive-by shooting near the Palestinian village of Tarqumiyah in the Hebron region in which three police officers were killed. The terrorist came from the area of the village of Idna, whose access road was reopened that very morning. The attack took place approximately half an hour after the renewal of traffic.

What started off as a massacre by Hamas in Israel’s south and random bombings in the North by Hezbollah is now spreading in other areas of the country like a cancer. Not only is preventing further terror attacks in this area critical but so is securing it so another Oct. 7 cannot happen. Israel must come up with a comprehensive strategy to combat all the Iranian proxies’ broader plans to harm Jews.

Mount Hebron Leaders Call for Action as Palestinian Terror Attacks Surge, by Sveta Listratov/TPS-IL, September 1, 2024

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