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There ARE Limits: A Win-Win for Judea and Samaria

The Knesset approved a law earlier this week that would limit Palestinian access to the High Court of Justice and expand jurisdiction of the Administrative Court beyond sovereign Israel.

This marks a 51-year change in the way Judea and Samaria land cases will be handled, by moving them first to an administrative court which previously did not have judicial purview with regard to Judea and Samaria.

The bill is a win-win for Judea and Samaria as it will “normalize the lives of the residents,” said JM Ayelet Shaked, who championed the legislation.

Story HERE.

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A home in Sderot is hit and four family members are now in the hospital undergoing surgery. A synagogue and playground are also hit. Families sleep together in safe rooms. The situation is intolerable and the IDF must take control.

Defeating the enemy is the ONLY option!!

Unfortunately it was a very tense and trying weekend as Hamas fired 200 rockets and mortar shells from the Gaza Strip into Israel. Attempts were made to breach the security fence and infiltrate Israel from the northern Gaza Strip. The IDF responded accordingly..

Read the full IDF report.

More on this subject:

Weekend rocket attacks saw four Israelis injured at home.

Synagogue hit by rocket – Major Keren Hajioff reports.

Hamas does not decide ceasefire. PM Netanyahu, at the urging of Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi, visited the residents of the south and listened to their feelings over the difficult weekend they experienced. Davidi clearly stated that there should be no ceasefire and that Israel must strike back hard at the terrorists

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Remembering Jabotinsky HADAR- A Call for Israeli Victory

We like Eric Ruskin’s Arutz Sheva OpEd which remembers the great Statesman, writer, orator, soldier and Zionist leader Zeev Jabotinsky on the anniversary of his yahrzeit (29 Tammuz 1940).

Jabotinsky knew all too well that though Jews have HaTikvah, Arabs have their own “hope,” one focused on the destruction of the Jewish State, no matter its size.

Ruskin states: “One of the best ways to pay tribute to the memory of this man of ideas and action is to put into practice a central lesson of his extraordinary life by calling for victory in Israel’s just and moral struggle against its enemies.”

Read more HERE on why Yaakov Hoegel says Jabotinsky is still relevant.

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Bang, Zoom…You’re Going to the Moon! (Said Ralph Kramden to Alice)

On February 13, 2019, an Israeli-built unmanned spacecraft is expected to land on the moon, having blasted off from Earth two months earlier, project managers said at a news conference Tuesday.

Following what we trust will be a successful launch, the SpaceIL craft will give Israel entry into the exclusive club of only three nations that have so far achieved a controlled landing on the moon’s surface.

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According to a recent US News and World Report: ‘Israel has a large presence on the global stage, thanks in part to its close relationship with the US.’ Israel ranked eighth on the list of the world’s most powerful nations.

We couldn’t be happier. But then again we probably knew Israel stood high among the nations in the first place. Full story HERE.

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Expose the Refugee Myth

In 2012 Congress ordered the State Department to disclose how many Palestinians currently served by UNRWA fled the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and how many are merely their descendants. The Obama administration classified the report, citing national security. We did not know census data was a threat to national security.

The UNRWA numbers in the report are grossly exaggerated in order to perpetuate its Palestinian “refugee” agenda.

“Once the refugee issue is exposed as a scam, Palestinian leaders would have to learn how to govern, not merely stir up antagonism with Israel.” It’s time for the truth to unfold and AFSI believes President Trump can make this happen. We call on President Trump to DECLASSIFY THIS DOCUMENT NOW.

Read Caroline Glick’s excellent Opinion piece on exposing and shutting down UNRWA.

Neda Amin’s Artuz Sheva OpEd exposes the origin of a new course for Palestinian children called, “How Will We Kill an Israeli.”

Britain is now getting wind of the fact that their funding is being used for anti-Semitism incitement in Palestinian textbooks and plans an investigation.

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Israel’s Supreme Court Once Again Oversteps Its Bounds – This Time Ruling Against Jewish Life in Israel’s First Capital, HEBRON

Supreme Court justices issued a temporary injunction earlier this week against Israel’s decision to create an autonomous Jewish municipality in Hebron.

The court asked the State of Israel to justify the creation of an autonomous Jewish municipality in Hebron that is not under the Palestinians’ rule

Yishai Fleisher, international spokesman for the Hebron Jewish community, said this is another example of excessive judicial activism. “There is nothing constitutionally illegal with the government decision..There is no reason for the court to meddle.”

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Terror Does Not Pay! Israel Passes Law Cutting Funding to PA

The Knesset voted into law on Monday a bill to slash funds to the Palestinian Authority by the amount Ramallah pays out to convicted terrorists and the families of terrorists killed while carrying out attacks.

This legislation is in line with America’s Taylor Force Act and with Australia’s latest decision to withhold aid to the PA. Abbas and the PA leadership must understand that any payments to terrorists will be coming from their pockets .This clearly sends the message that terror does not pay.

Read that Australia announced it will end direct aid to the PA due to stipends paid to terrorists and their families.

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We are very pleased to learn that after one year in the position, David Myers has stepped down as President and CEO of the Center for Jewish History in NYC. He cited that he wanted to return to academic life in California and to avoid the frequent commute from NY to CA in order to be with his family.

AFSI was at the forefront of the campaign to fire Myers having led a major protest rally in the Fall of 2017. With the incredible support of JCC Watch leader, Richard Allen, an amazing radio campaign took place exposing Myers’ connections to the anti-Israel New Israel Fund. Hundreds of AFSI members, JCC supporters, and coalition friends, and supporters attended the rally, seriously rattling the leadership at the CJH.

A video of Helen Freedman, AFSI’s Co-Executive Director, speaking at the October 18, 2017 rally, can be found HERE.

We are requesting that the Center for Jewish History do a better job of vetting candidates to replace Myers. It is an absolute disgrace that someone as blatantly anti-Israel as Myers was chosen for this prestigious position. AFSI will be watching this closely.

Why do we continue to do what we do? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once explained, “We must not cave into the pressure, [we must] expose the lies and attack the attackers…”

Read today’s excellent Jewish Press OpEd by AFSI colleagues Hank Sheinkopf, George Birnbaum and Ronn Torossian, who first blew the whistle on David Myers.

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