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AFSI has visited the Netiv HaAvot community, spoken with the residents, and has officially decried the evil and senseless decree to once again destroy Jewish homes based on unproven, undocumented Arab claims. The Israeli Supreme Court must be overruled in all such cases.

On Tuesday morning June 12, 15 Jewish families from the Netiv HaAvot neighborhood of Elazar in Gush Etzion will be evicted from their homes as a result of an Israeli High Court of Justice order. The homes are slated for demolition two days later. This is the result of an absurd and illogical ruling.

For months the families, along with their neighbors, friends, and supporters near and far, have been engaged in a campaign to try to save their homes. But barring a miracle, the decree of the Court is final.

We’re talking about 15 Zionistic, patriotic, tax-paying, army and reserve serving families, who live in Israel, and were simply trying to live normal lives and raise their families on a beautiful stretch of earth in the Land of Israel.

But none of this matters now.

Once the security forces arrive, and remove the families, this will no longer be an issue of POLITICS or a question of who was right or who was wrong. It will no longer be a question of whether or not JUSTICE was served.

On June 12, once that first knock is heard on the door, and that first family is asked to leave their house, then it becomes a HUMANITARIAN issue.

Therefore, it is our responsibility as Jews, family members, friends, and neighbors of those who will be evicted from the homes which they built, in some cases with their bare hands, to SHOW OUR UTMOST SUPPORT, IN THEIR TIME OF NEED.

Please don’t treat June 12, like any other day, because it just isn’t. Those who will be losing their homes and relocated are going to be going through a lot. Other Netiv HaAvot residents, especially the children, whose homes will remain intact, will also be embarking on challenging days ahead, filled with many questions, possibly without many answers.


How to Save Netiv HaAvot Houses From Being Destroyed

This message is from David Bedein, Director of Israel Resource News Agency and Center for Near East Policy Research

The campaign for Netiv HaAvot, like the failed campaigns for Amona, Migron, Beit El, Ofra, is premised on the false notion that decisions from the High Court of Justice (Bagatz) must be acted upon.

That flies in the face of Israeli reality.

There are tens of Bagatz decisions which have not been enforced by the government of Israel, due to public pressure.

Everything has to do with how much pressure is placed on the PMO (Prime Minister’s Office) in the next few days, from people around the country and around the world, not from the people in Judea.

Everyone has at least 10 friends or relatives who were to ask 10 friends or relatives to bombard Bibi’s office with a simple request:

Ignore the Bagatz. It does not make sense to destroy a community because of a 15 meter housing infraction.

If 1,000 people call the PMO four times a day with this message, in an assertive yet not abusive way, those 4,000 calls will affect policy.

Telephone of the PMO: 011-972-3-610-9898 | Fax of the PMO: 011-972-2-560-5000

Messages can be sent through the website: | or on Twitter: @Netanyahu

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