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Is President Trump making the “Palestinian” Arabs Irrelevant?
Although President Trump is still untested and to some degree, an unknown, based on his appointments and statements to-date, we have taken a position of cautious optimism regarding his policy and approach toward Israel and the Middle East.
Much has been made by the mainstream media yesterday and today about his most recent statements which the media claim to show him to be against “settlements”. However, as is typical of the media, there has been a lot of hot air blown about and very little substance.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will be meeting with President Trump within two weeks, during which the issue of “settlements” will be one among several critical agenda items affecting Israel and the United States. There will be much blather and speculation before then, and we await the outcome of their meeting with much anticipation and concern.
In the meantime, the “Palestinian” Arabs have been reported to be upset, concerned, and even hysterical about President Trump’s pro-Israel statements and his shunning them into irrelevance. Caroline Glick posts on this aspect of the trilateral relationship among the US, Israel and the “Palestinian” Arabs, making for a most interesting read.

Column One: The Trump Way of War

There Is Nothing Like An AFSI Chizuk Mission!
AFSI Chizuk Missions are unique. Participants in an AFSI mission return to their homes informed, educated, enlightened and invigorated, ready to advocate for Yisrael Shleyma, a “full” Israel.
Among other places, AFSI missions visit Judea and Samaria, from the large cities to the small hilltop communities; from the most modern factories in the industrial zones of Ariel to the ancient stones of Hebron and the communities of Ofra and Amona.
A key differentiator separating AFSI Chizuk Missions from other trips is the personal touch. For more than 20 years, AFSI has taken groups to Israel, and over the years, AFSI returns to provide chizuk. AFSI travelers build relationships and become lifetime friends with Israelis on the front lines, wherever they may be. From those protecting Jewish life in southern Tel Aviv from thousands of illegal squatters, to heroes living in eastern Jerusalem among a hostile Arab population, AFSI is there.
Get a taste of an AFSI Chizuk Mission from our video on our website. Click HERE to view it and then say to yourself, “Next time I go to Israel, I’m going with AFSI.”
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