Being Used to Terror Attacks is Not OK

A breakdown of Palestinian terror attacks in 2024 showed that Judea and Samaria bore the brunt of the violence, according to the annual report released by Hatzalah Judea and Samaria (YOSH) on Monday.

While an overall 48 people were killed and 443 more injured in attacks across Israel, the report’s breakdown showed that 56% of the fatalities and 69% of the injuries took place in Judea and Samaria.

“People are used to Judea and Samaria residents getting pummeled by rocks, lasers, gunshots, and car rammings,” Natalie Sopinsky, the emergency response organization’s director of development told The Press Service of Israel. “Most people don’t care, including those residents themselves. We got used to that.”

Sopinsky stated that “the consequences of these attacks are dire. Head injuries, shattered windshields, and loss of control often lead to fatal accidents.”

Judea and Samaria Bears Brunt of Palestinian Terror Attacks, by Sveta Listratov/TPS, March 17, 2025


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