Fear Looms Over Israel Erev Tisha B’Av

Officials have told American media that it is feared that Iran will attack Israel within the next 24 hours, Fox News reported.

Last week, Western intelligence officials stated that Iran may have been planning an attack on Tisha B’Av, the day of mourning for the Holy Temples that begins tonight and lasts through sundown tomorrow. If Iran attacks within the next 24 hours, it would attack on Tisha B’Av.

Iran has been threatening to attack Israel since the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran nearly two weeks ago.

American officials have stated that they believe Iran may have been deterred from its attack following international pressure and the movement of American naval assets into the region.

That Iran’s desire to attack Israel “may have been deterred” is not good enough. Until Israel’s intelligence has 100% assurance that Iran won’t attack. the country’s defense forces must be ready at any given moment to defend itself against this axis of evil.

Report: Fear Iran will attack Israel in the next 24 hours, by Israel National News, August 12, 2024


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