Finally, the Right Designation

The Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee has unanimously approved a bill designating UNRWA as a terrorist organization.

The bill, initiated by Israel Beytenu MK Yulia Malinovsky, will be on the agenda for a first reading in the Knesset plenum most likely next week.

Malinovsky said: “UNRWA’s crimes on October 7th and the agency’s cooperation with terrorist organizations are unforgivable. An organization whose employees are social workers, doctors and teachers by day, and terrorists by night is a terrorist organization for all intents and purposes.”

This critical issue has come a very long way to where it should be – exposed! We are pleased to see Israel’s government take the right actions to hold UNRWA accountable. By doing so we trust that it will keep Israel a bit safer.

Knesset Committee Unanimously Approves Bill Declaring UNRWA a Terror Organization by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, July 9, 2024

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