Forget About Securing Communities – Demolish Them!

Terrible headline, right? Sadly, we keep reporting too much on this issue.

A full 300 Border Police officers, accompanied by Civil Administration inspectors and heavy machinery, raided the Sde Yonatan and Or Meir homesteads in Binyamin early Tuesday morning, around 4:00am, and destroyed all the buildings there, including residential houses.

“What happened here this morning is madness on every scale,” residents declared. “Arab terror strikes every day everywhere in the country, a terror attack occurs in Tel Aviv, and Jews are slaughtered in Samaria – but instead of ensuring the return of long-lost security, the defense system, under Minister Gallant’s orders, sent its best officers this morning to demolish settlements.”

We are seeing too much of this type of story in the last year and it must stop! With a massive war going on we think it’s high time that Israel make every effort to come to it senses and remember who the land legally belongs to.

Police demolish Israeli homestead in Binyamin region, by Israel National News, August 20, 2024



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