Gush Katif Became a Terror Training Ground

Major General (res.) Gershon Hacohen has pointed out that if the towns of Gush Katif had not been evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement, then the October 7 massacre would never have happened.

Hacohen explained, “If there had been no Disengagement, there would have been no October 7, because Hamas could not have organized for it the way they organized. The entire area of Gush Katif became a training field, a model for tanks, a model of a fence, a model of towns. If we were present in Gush Katif, they would not have had where to organize such trainings.”

It boggles the mind in ways we cannot put into words about how devastating a decision that was made by the late Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. We can only move forward and pray that the rebuilding of of Jewish communities in this area becomes a reality.

‘If there’d been no Disengagement, there’d be no Oct. 7’, by Israel National News, August 23, 2024

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