“I Was Told to Say It Was Him” Foreign Anarchists Must Go!

As Knesset lawmakers grappled with the disruptive effects of foreign anarchists, a police official said that half of the reports of “settler violence” were manufactured by the agitators.

Judea and Samaria District Central Unit police commander Avishai Muallem disclosed to lawmakers that half of the 191 complaints of “settler violence” reported in the South Hebron Hills area were deemed false and manufactured by foreigners. Of 70 similar complaints filed with authorities in the Jordan Valley, half were also found to be unsubstantiated.

Said Muallem, “An individual files a complaint accusing a Jewish resident of Judea and Samaria of violence against him, pointing out his name. As we show him the person’s picture, he doesn’t recognize him. When asked about this inconsistency, he admits, ‘I was told to say it was him.’”

Hooray for Pallywood! They’re finally being exposed for what they really are: terrorists hell-bent on destroying Israel.

Half of ‘Settler Violence’ Complaints Manufactured by Foreign Activists, Knesset Told, by Sveta Listratov via TPS, March 12, 2024



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