Lessons Not Learned Leave Israel Vulnerable

IDF surveillance post operators who served in Judea and Samaria say that the IDF has not learned lessons from October 7 and are warning of another horrific scenario in the near future.

‘Nothing has changed since October 7. Until today, we are still digesting what we saw over two years,’ said Noa and Ofri to Channel 13 News.

“Thousands of Palestinians approach the fence and the IDF does nothing. We have been seeing 60,000 people – and that is just one hole in the fence. There are many breaches in the fence, thousands could cross in one night. Maybe some go to work, beyond that we have no idea what they are doing here.”

Needless to say, aside from being a threat to the safety and security of the country, it is disturbing to hear this breach of security has not been addressed and resolved. Is anyone listening?

IDF soldiers: ‘Lessons of October 7 not learned in Judea and Samaria’, by Israel National News, August 16, 2024

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