Make the Temple Mount Sacred Again

Knesset member Ariel Kellner and the Beyadenu organization are promoting a comprehensive and first-of-its-kind bill to protect the Temple Mount complex.

The bill also states that whoever desecrates the Temple Mount complex or damages the antiquities inside the complex inadvertently or on purpose, who does something that may desecrate the Temple Mount complex, or carries out excavations inside the Temple Mount without the permission of the Antiquities Authority, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of between three and ten years, according to the severity of his actions, along with a fine.

Tom Nisani, CEO of Beyadenu, said: “The Temple Mount complex is created and damaged daily by excavation, unauthorized construction, and vandalism. The purpose of this law is to protect the most significant heritage site of the Jewish people for generations.”

It goes without saying that this is a long overdue bill, and we pray it passes swiftly and is enforced consistently.

Bill presented to protect Temple Mount complex from Muslim destruction of Jewish history, by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/Israel365News, August 27, 2024


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