Political Theater at Its Worst: UN Vote Demands Israel Return Land

Israel has issued a fierce response to last Wednesday’s vote by the United Nations General Assembly demanding the Jewish State withdraw from all post-1967 territories. This includes “disputed” areas in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley which were previously designate as Area C, under full Israeli administrative and security control, under the internationally recognized Oslo Accords.

Among the many demands, the resolution calls for Israel to comply with international law and withdraw its military forces, immediately cease all new development activity, evacuate all “settlers” from occupied land, and dismantle parts of the separation wall it constructed inside the “occupied West Bank.”

Israel’s Foreign Ministry issued a fierce response, rejecting the “distorted and disconnected from reality” decision and thanking the leaders of those nations who voted to oppose it. They key points are:

  • “The political theater called the General Assembly today adopted a distorted decision that is disconnected from reality, encourages terrorism and harms the chances for peace.”
  • “The decision of the General Assembly tells a one-sided, fictional story, in which countless murderous terrorist attacks on the citizens of the State of Israel do not take place.”
  • “The General Assembly decision bolsters and strengthens the Hamas terrorist organization and the Iranian terrorist state that stands behind it.”
  • “The General Assembly decision also undermines the foundation of any attempt to promote a peaceful solution to the conflict.”

While this sick resolution clearly boggles the mind of those educated on the facts about Israel, it should come as no surprise as to the extent the world body we call the “Useless Nations” will go to defame and destroy Israel. This is indeed political theater at its worst – or best -depending on how you view it. In either case, please spare us from an encore.

Israel Issues Fierce Response to UN Resolution Demanding Disengagement from Post 1967 Areas of Israel, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, September 20, 2024


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