Reasonable Doubt Doesn’t Apply

Chairman of the Knesset Constitution Committee MK Simcha Rothman (Religious Zionists) and MK Yulia Malinovski (Yisrael Beitenu) are promoting a private bill according to which all terrorists suspected of having participated in the October 7 atrocities will be defined as illegal combatants and imprisoned indefinitely. This is contrary to the current law.

According to the Rothman-Malinovsky bill, a special court will hear the case of terrorists who are deemed eligible to be tried for the crime of genocide, and thus those terrorists would not be tried according to Israeli criminal law – meaning the evidence in their cases would be examined according to special legal procedures for the crime of genocide.

MK Malinovsky told Reshet Bet that a year after the catastrophe, it’s time to “find a solution and bring the damned terrorists to justice and do justice to the victims and their families.”

The big problem using the current law is that should the terrorists be tried according to Israel’s criminal rules of evidence, many of them would be able to establish reasonable doubt regarding their actions.

By being declared illegal combatants, the Hamas detainees would lose their right to criminal prosecution.

Just like the Nuremberg Trials that were held for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice, a special court for the genocidal terrorists that sought the destruction of innocent Israeli women, men and children on October 7 must be established. We applaud MKs Rothman and Malinovksy for promoting this bill. We trust it will be pass and be implemented very soon.

New Bill Streamlines October 7 Hamas Terrorists’ Prosecutions, by David Israel/Jewish Press


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