Return Northern Residents Home

A high-ranking Israeli official characterizes the escalating tensions with Hezbollah as a situation “on the precipice of conflict.” In the wake of Monday night’s cabinet meeting, which added the return of evacuated northern residents to the war’s objectives, urgent security consultations are underway, with the very real possibility of war against Hezbollah on the table.

The security official noted that the “main goal of the Gaza war has been largely accomplished.” The official added: “With the IDF’s announcement of the [Hamas’] Rafah Brigade’s defeat, effectively dismantling all Hamas brigades, resources are now available for a northern campaign,” the source explained.

On the diplomatic front, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Gallant separately conveyed to US envoy Amos Hochstein that “military action remains the sole viable option for facilitating the return of northern residents,” as Gallant put it. Netanyahu emphasized that “while Israel values and respects US support, it must ultimately take necessary measures to ensure its security,” signaling that Israel may not defer to the administration’s unofficial preference to delay northern operations until after the US presidential elections.

Senior official says ‘preparations set in motion’ for Hezbollah war, by Ariel Kahana/Israel Hayom, September 17, 2024


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