Over the past several years we have written regularly about the frustrating saga of illegal infiltrators mainly from Eritrea and Sudan, making south Tel Aviv their home, with the concomitant rise in crime, grime, and precipitous decrease in quality of life for Israel’s citizens.
May Golan, champion of south Tel Aviv’s residents, has been fighting the good fight as an activist and proponent of ridding the city’s southern neighborhoods of the tens of thousands of squatters making life in those areas dangerous and miserable for its inhabitants. Slowly and surely, she has raised this issue to one of national concern, forcing government officials to once and for all, deal with it.
Today, Israel’s Supreme Court issued a ruling on this subject. To summarize, the Court ruled that the removal of illegal infiltrators to a third country is legal and can continue. However, the ruling continued, deportations are voluntary, and infiltrators who refuse to be deported to a third country cannot be imprisoned for their refusal.
This, of course, has upset many, as the ruling goes directly against the intentions and the wishes of the vast majority of Israel’s citizens, that it would no longer be possible to detain infiltrators who refuse deportation to a third country.
As in so many cases concerning the welfare of Israel’s citizens, especially in cases dealing with the legal rights of Jews to live in Judea and Samaria, the Israeli High Court has ruled against the country’s citizenry. People are fed up with these rulings that negatively impact their rights to live securely.
Even Prime Minister Netanyahu has expressed his disapproval of the Court’s ruling:
“We will have to introduce an amendment to implement these agreements,” Netanyahu said, referring to a three-pronged illegal immigration strategy that consists of a wall protecting the southern border, agreements with African countries to absorb migrants, and law enforcement.
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked announced plans to introduce legislation allowing Israel to deport infiltrators to other African nations “even without their consent.”
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri said that “the decision not to allow the state to expel infiltrators against their will is very problematic, and it takes a very important tool away from the state allowing any infiltrator who wants to stay to remain in Israel.”
‘We will amend law to deport infiltrators’ and Netanyahu and top ministers object to HJC ruling that frees infultrators
As we have done in the past, we continue to support May Golan and those in government fighting for the rights of Israel’s citizens to live legally, securely and comfortably in their homes, regardless of where these homes are situated. Whether in south Tel Aviv or on the hilltops of Samaria, Jews have the right to live in peace, knowing that the government supports them and has their best interests in mind.