Saving Israeli Democracy

Caroline Glick’s Jerusalem Post Opinion piece discusses concern that If Netanyahu is forced from office, Israeli democracy will be critically, and possibly irreparably, debilitated.

“lsrael’s system of democracy has been under assault for more than two decades. Since the early 1990’s, elected officials have fought a losing battle to maintain their power. The legal fraternity and the police, acting with the enthusiastic support and often at the urging of the politically biased media, have seized politicians’ governing prerogatives and powers one by one. These actions have all been justified in the name of the rule of law.”

The revelation Sunday that a judge coordinated her decision on an upcoming hearing with an investigator could have severe repercussions for the Israeli justice system and jeopardize the public’s faith in Israel’s courts, a senior justice official said.

Breaking news indicates possible court collusion between the judge and the investigator in the Netanyahu case. Could this lead to a Day of Atonement for the justice system? That’s what David Rosenberg’s news brief in Artuz Sheva discusses.

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