Send Her a Ticket to Visit Israel

Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly on Thursday announced the imposition of additional sanctions on so-called “extremist settlers.”

The announcement reads, “This round of sanctions lists seven individuals and five entities for their role in facilitating, supporting or financially contributing to acts of violence by Israeli extremist settlers against Palestinian civilians and their property.”

The seven people on whom the sanctions were imposed are: Ben Zion Gopstein, Daniella Weiss, Einan Ben-Nir Amram Tanjil, Elisha Yered, Ely Federman, Meir Mordechai Ettinger, and Shalom Zicherman. The five entities named were: Amana, Hilltop Youth, Lehava, Moshe’s Farm, and Zvi’s Farm.

Joly has no grasp of the facts or reality and is another victim of the narrative of lies intended to destroy Israel. She stated nothing about the endless terror attacks against the Jewish residents of this region and the security concerns they live with. We think this delusional foreign minister should spend a few weeks living among the “settlers” and see for herself who and where the problems really are. We know many “extremist settlers” who would welcome her with open arms and even take her on a personal grand tour.

Canada announces more sanctions on ‘extremist settlers’ by Israel National News, June 27, 2024



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