Strategy Shift to Better Secure Judea and Samaria

Recent events have reportedly triggered a major policy shift in Israel’s approach to Judea and Samaria. Designated a “secondary arena” since the onset of the war with Hamas on Oct. 7, onset, the recent increase in terror attacks in the area have convinced top officials that this stance is no longer tenable. The Israel Defense Forces now considers Judea and Samaria as the country’s most critical front after the Gaza Strip.

While this directive is still in its initial stages, with substantial changes on the ground expected to take time, a series of operations across Judea and Samaria are imminent. “The Jenin operation is just the beginning,” security officials emphasize.

The recent spate of terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria underscores the need for comprehensive action across the entire sector. With a new level of aggressive action required, one security source described what’s needed as “not just mowing the lawn but uprooting the problem at its source.”

Israel to classify Judea, Samaria a ‘combat zone’ amid terror escalation, by Hanan Greenwood/JNS, September 3, 2024

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