Terrorism in the North: A Prelude to War?

An Israeli was critically injured today by a UAV strike in Kibbutz Kabri in the western Galilee. The report of the injury comes against the backdrop of incessant warning sirens activated across the north of Israel.

Hezbollah has taken responsibility for the attack.

The IDF reported that “Following the sirens that sounded in the Western Galilee area in the past hour, several UAVs were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory, and they fell in the Western Galilee area.”

Yesterday, it was cleared for publication that Noa and Nir Baranes, a couple from Kibbutz Ortal in the northern Golan Heights, had been killed by a direct rocket strike on their vehicle. They left behind three children, aged 13, 16, and 18.

28 Israelis have been killed by Hezbollah fire in the north since the beginning of the war, including 11 civilians and 17 soldiers. Well over 200 rockets have been fired at Northern Israel by Hezbollah in this past week alone.

With terrorist hostilities in the north increasing, Israel faces tough days and weeks ahead. Both the public and the country’s defense forces must be prepared for what could be a long and difficult fight for Israel’s survival. Am Yisrael must stand united against this massively armed evil Islamic Republic of Iran proxy!

Sirens in the North: Israeli critically injured in UAV strike by Uzi Baruch/Israel National News, July 11, 2024

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