Despite a suspension of humanitarian aid and fuel deliveries, Hamas continues to enrich itself through a system of vouchers provided to Gaza residents.
One of the primary ways Hamas profits is through international aid vouchers. Various humanitarian organizations provide Gaza’s families with monthly vouchers worth NIS 1,000-1,500 ($272-$$409) meant to help them buy essentials. However, Hamas-controlled exchange services demand a 22% fee for converting these vouchers into cash.
“People have no choice but to pay this fee,” Ofer explained to TPS-IL. “It’s not an open market. Hamas dictates the rates. With hundreds of thousands of families relying on these vouchers, Hamas rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars every month from this system alone.”
A government spokesperson told TPS-IL that Hamas’s theft and profiteering from humanitarian aid underlines the necessity of eradicating the terror group.
“This highlights the urgent need to remove Hamas from any governing role in Gaza’s future,” said David Mencer, a spokesperson for the National Public Diplomacy Directorate in the Prime Minister’s Office. “The government’s ultimate goal remains clear: freeing Gaza from Hamas.”