Finally, the inauguration of Donald Trump is over, and he and Melania are Mr. President and First Lady. Reactions here in the US and around the world ranged the gamut from celebratory partying to disgust and rioting. Here are a few examples of these reactions:
– In Israel, Donald Trump’s election and inauguration were cause for much excitement and anticipation that the previous eight difficult years during the Obama administration were over. There were calls my many, especially Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett, for the immediate application of Israeli sovereignty to Maaleh Adumim, and the immediate relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, arguing that it was critical to take advantage of this new window of opportunity with a friendly American administration ASAP.
– PM Netanyahu, however, argued that time was needed for the new American administration to get seated, and he pushed successfully for a delay in a vote to annex Maaleh Adumim until after his meeting with President Trump in February. Also, no one in the Trump administration seems to be in too big a hurry to relocate the embassy immediately, although there are statements that it is “in the works”. The likely new US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman has said he plans to work out of Jerusalem and not Tel Aviv.
– The “Palestinian” Arabs threatened violence, stating that by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, Trump would open the “gates of hell” in the region and throughout the world.
– In the United States, the women’s march on Washington the day after the inauguration drew hundreds of thousands of marchers and protesters. Their messages were mixed, ranging from calling for Trump to respect the safety and health of women, to thugs rampaging in the streets starting fires and destroying property to make their dislike of ‘The Donald’ and what he stands for known. Pro-life women were told they could not march, and Madonna said she wanted to blow up the White House. Obscenities and violence-laced rhetoric were rampant throughout the march.
– One of the march organizers, Linda Sarsour, is a pro-“Palestinian” Muslim who advocates for Sharia law and has been accused of having ties to Hamas. Here, as in Ferguson and elsewhere, anti-Israel forces have inserted their vitriolic anti-Israel rhetoric and hate into other, unrelated issues, in this case, claiming they march for women’s rights.
– On the bright side, after Donald Trump won the election, the actor Tom Hanks gave a speech during which he said, “This is the United States of America. We’ll go on. There’s great like-minded people out there who are Americans first and Republicans or Democrats second. I hope the president-elect does such a great job that I vote for his re-election in four years.”
If only the marchers and protesters this past Saturday and others who refuse to acknowledge the election results had half as much intelligence as Hanks displayed.
In Jerusalem: Protest the UN’s Illegal Occupation of Government House in Jerusalem
The Israel Land Fund in association with U’faratzta Tours & Events enjoins you to join Arieh King, City Councilman & founder & director of the Israel Land Fund, in a protest against the UN’s illegal occupation of the strategically located Government House in southern Jerusalem.
The event will take place Thursday January 26 as the highlight of a unique journey throughout various communities not generally too accessible.
Speak out against an injustice that has been taking place for the past 50 years!
For details and registration:
Steven Plaut, z”l
Steven Plaut
(Photo: Jewish Exponent of Philadelphia)
Steven Plaut, economics professor at the University of Haifa, prolific writer and political columnist, died last week.
Plaut was known as an outspoken critic of the Israeli-Arab peace process and often was critical of Israeli left-wing politicians.
AFSI is a co-sponsor of The 4th Sovereignty Conference:
“Sovereignty with Responsibility”
Sponsored by Women In Green and the Forum for Sovereignty
For those who will be in Jerusalem on Sunday, February 12, this conference is a must!
Full Jewish Sovereignty over all of Judea and Samaria is the answer, and this conference is another step in that direction.
Hosted by Women In Green and the Forum For Sovereignty, the speakers are a Whose Who of today’s leaders for full sovereignty.
There is no charge, but seating is limited and registration is required.
Lectures are in Hebrew with simultaneous translation into English!
Please see the flyer below for additional information.