UN “Blacklist” is Bankrupt

The United Nations lacks the funds to annually update its database of companies doing business with Israeli entities in Judea and Samaria, including in eastern Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and in “West Bank settlements.” This report comes from the High Commissioner for Human Rights Michele Bachelet.

Her office published the database, dubbed the “blacklist,” in 2020 after a three-year delay. It identified 130 business entities, of which 112 were local Israeli companies and 18 were foreign-based companies, who were engaged in such activities.

“It is not possible for the [Human Rights] office to absorb, on an open-ended recurring basis into the future, the substantial resources that updating the database and reporting to the council would annually imply,” Bachelet said.

You can’t make this stuff up. AFSI just found this Jerusalem Post article from March 18. We’re not sure how we missed it last month but it’s worth noting. Money keeps evil going and may this evil blacklist be bankrupt forever.

UN lacks funds to update its settlement ‘black list’, by Tovah Lazaroff. Jerusalem Post, March 18, 2021




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