Off to a Good Start: Smotrich Cancels Support for Terrorism

Israel on Sunday transferred 138.8 million shekels ($39.5 million) of revenues collected for the Palestinian Authority to the victims of terrorism and their families.
At a press conference yesterday Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said, “We promised to fix this, and today we are correcting an injustice. This is an important day for morality, for justice and for the fight against terrorism.”

The P.A. pays monthly stipends to Palestinians, and/or their families, for carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel. In 2021, the P.A. paid out an estimated 512 million shekels ($157 million) as part of this “pay for slay” policy.

The “pay for slay” program is just one terrorist tactic the PA employs. While no amount of money can reverse the injuries, damages, and loss of life to Israelis, we are glad to see Smotrich take steps to correct this horrible injustice. The PA encourages and commits terrorism against Israel and wants her wiped off the map. Until they can conduct themselves in a serious manner befitting the human race, no help for them, no negotiation, nothing.

Israel moves ahead with transfer of PA funds to terror victims, by Jewish News Syndicate, January 9, 2023

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