It’s Happening: Taking Back Area C

Civil Administration inspectors on Tuesday destroyed an illegal structure built by Arabs in Area C near the settlement of Peduel in Samaria. The building’s demolition comes after a long struggle by the Samaria Regional Council and the Regavim.

Regavim responded: “the building that was destroyed this morning is in the area of the Sarida Nature Reserve, which suffers from massive Palestinian takeover through building construction, road construction, and agricultural work, all without a permit and against the law.”

This is welcomed news. Enforcing the law and asserting Israel’s legal rights are finally off to a good start and on the right path under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We look forward to more activity on the urgent need to take back Area C.

The battle over Area C: illegal Arab building near Peduel finally destroyed, by Israel National News, January 10, 2023




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