Biden Tries to Put One Over On Israel

Israeli officials pushed back on Monday on elements of the hostage deal proposal presented by US President Joe Biden over the weekend as an Israeli offer. Staying the course on his goals for the war, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted that there were gaps between that proposal and Israel’s stance: “The claim that we agreed to a ceasefire without our conditions being met is incorrect.”

“The proposal that Biden presented is incomplete,” the premier told MKs at a closed-door meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. He also reportedly said that there are “gaps” between the Israeli version and Biden’s recounting of it.

Why did Biden think he could sneak in terms of a deal without Israel’s approval? It’s clearer than ever now that Biden will go to any length possible to appease Hamas and Iran, the very evil entities that Israel is trying to eliminate. Biden is not a leader nor a friend of Israel. He’s going along with anything that his campaign team believes will get him votes. Simply pathetic.

Netanyahu: We will destroy Hamas, Biden’s version of hostage deal ‘incomplete’, by Lazar Berman/Times of Israel, June 3, 2024

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