An Appropriate Response to Anti-Israel Measures

Cabinet ministers last week approved a series of measures promoted by Minister Bezalel Smotrich to strengthen communities in Judea and Samaria.

The approved package includes: sanctions imposed against the Palestinian Authority following the measures it promotes against Israel in The Hague, measures that includes the cancellation of permits and various benefits for senior PA officials, restricting the movement of PA senior officials and preventing them from leaving the country, enforcing their incitement offenses, expelling senior officials, withdrawing enforcement powers from the PA in the Judean Desert and enforcement actions against rampant construction in the area, enforcement in Area B against damage to heritage sites and environmental hazards, and more.

The most amazing news is that regulation for 5 communities was approved for: Evyatar in Samaria, Sde Ephraim in Binyamin, Givat Assaf in Binyamin, Heletz in Gush Etzion and Adorayin on Mount Hebron.

Smotrich said, “After weeks of discussions, the Israeli government is promoting an appropriate response to the anti-Israeli measures led by the Palestinian Authority.

Samaria governor Yossi Dagan shared the news about Evyatar’s normalization with Tzofia Borovsky, the widow of Evyatar Borovsky. Tzofia said: “It’s not the first and last new town that will be built in Judea and Samaria, there is a very strong and clear message here that more young new towns will be built.”

The even clearer message is that Israel is an independent and sovereign nation and only Israel alone is responsible for determining its own destiny. Next stop: Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria!

Cabinet approves: Sanctions against PA, regulation of five communities by Uzi Baruch/Israel National News, June 28, 2024

Widow of town namesake: ‘Normalization of this town is what we waited for’ by Israel National News, June 28, 2024


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