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Robbing Anne Frank’s Legacy

Caroline Glick’s Opinion piece in the Jerusalem Post last week forces us to think about the damage that the recent merger of the New Israel Fund with the Anne Frank Foundation can produce. This is the latest chapter in the theft of Anne Frank’s legacy, which began in the 1950’s. The merger also de-judaizes Frank’s legacy.

Historic realities of past horrors against the Jewish people cannot be diminished. Unfortunately Anne Frank’s diary has been turned into a universal message of suffering, thereby removing any trace of its Jewish origin and the real reason for Frank penning her experiences.

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The Best Revenge is Living Excerpts from March of the Living 2018

Some 12,000 youths from 41 countries, joined by President Reuven Rivlin and heads of the Israeli defense establishment—the chief of staff, police chief and heads of the Shin Bet and Mossad—walked the three kilometers that separate Auschwitz and Birkenau, the extermination section of the infamous death camp in Poland, as part of this year’s March of the Living. More HERE

A Survivor Shows his Number
Signs Read “This is a Polish Concentration Camp”
March of the Living Participants
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UNRWA Changes – For How Long?

Johannes Hahn, the European Union Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) schools in the Beddawi camp in Lebanon visited there on March 27.

Ahead of the visit, UNRWA decided to polish the facade of its camp. The Palestinian news site Al-Quds News reports that UNRWA had told the inhabitants of the camp conditions they wanted met.

Can we believe any lasting change took place? Read Tobias Petersson’s report HERE

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Obama’s Hand-Me-Downs

With regard to getting Syria to stop it’s chemical weapons program, then Secretary of State John Kerry said in 2014,“We struck a deal where we got 100 percent of the chemical weapons out.”

With the recent chemical attack on the Syrian people we know Kerry’s statement proved to be untrue. Ben Shapiro traces that statement to today’s events in his Daily Wire article HERE

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