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Anti-Israel Hate on American Campuses Runs Deep

Andrew Pessin, the once popular Connecticut College philosophy professor, was subjected to an academic smear campaign for his August 11, 2014 Facebook post in defense of Israel during Operation Protective Edge against Hamas.

Pessin resumed teaching last fall after an extended paid sabbatical and together with a colleague convinced the school to establish a Jewish Studies program. Recently, Pessin edited a new book with Fordham University’s Doron Ben-Atar on the general campus trend “Anti-Zionism on Campus: The University, Free Speech, and BDS.”

Artuz Sheva writer Noah Beck interviewed Pessin. Read the interview HERE

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Germany’s New Generation of Anti-Semitism

The police registered 1,453 anti-Semitic incidents in Germany last year, more than in five of the previous seven years, and organizations including the American Jewish Congress say fewer than a third of such incidents get reported. Their stubborn persistence in the country where the Holocaust was plotted and executed is raising concern that decades of work to eradicate anti-Semitism are slowly being undone as prejudice against Jews spreads beyond its traditional home in the far right.

Source – The Wall Street Journal

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IDF Protects Israel Against Demonstration of Terror 10 Killed Were Known Terrorists, 5 Part of Hamas Military Wing

The Israeli military on Saturday night identified 10 of the 15 people reported killed during violent protests, dubbed the “March of the Return”, along the Gaza security fence asmembers of Palestinian terrorist groups, and published a list of their names and positions in the organizations (photo and names further below).

Many on the left are incorrectly placing blame on Israel for being too “harsh” on the Gazans. Once again we must remind them of the facts: the PA does not wisely invest the money it’s given into developing infrastructure, building hospitals and schools, upgrading sanitary conditions and education for its own people. Instead, they continue to wage terror on Israel with the goal of destroying it.

We suggest those placing blame on Israel stand at the border in place of an IDF soldier and experience first hand why the IDF defends the country in the manner it deems in Israel’s best interest. It’s long overdue for the left to stop blaming Israel – a free and sovereign nation that has a right to defend itself against harm.

Source – Arutz Sheva 

AFSI suggests reading more news below on this matter:

Hamas throws 7 year old girl over the border, IDF shelters her to safety and returns her to her parents.

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman commented that these protests are not peaceful and not in the best interests of the Palestinians.

US blocks UN statement on Gaza riots. US blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation, in Hamas-led riots along Gaza border.

The above known terrorists were caught and killed by the IDF over the weekend
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Baruch Dayan HaEmet

AFSI mourns the passing of Mae Lobel, z’l, who was a tenacious and ardent defender of Israel in the Philadelphia community for decades and was very active as a key organizer with the Philadelphia chapter of AFSI. In the 1990’s she served as a member of AFSI’s National Council.

May her family be comforted among all the mourners of Zion and know no more sorrow.

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New Jewish Homes in Hebron

Entrances to Beit Leah (L); Beit Rachel (R)

Members of the Harevei Makom Eilah movement report that fifteen Jewish families have joyously moved into two reclaimed buildings in Hebron, Beit Rachel and Beit Leah. The families have purchased the buildings with the approval of the Civil Administration. This was a positive answer to the removal of Jewish families from Beit Machpela, another home purchased by the Jews which remains a contested property because of the failings of the Israeli Supreme Court. AFSI’s dear friends, Yifat and Shalom Akobi, with whom AFSI stays in close touch, will be celebrating Passover with their family and friends in one of the new homes. We know this will be an especially happy Pesach for them.

“Baruch Atah Adoni…” Affixing the Mezuzah

Source – The Jewish Press

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We’ll Find Someone Else

UN Ambassador to Israel David Friedman noted that if Mahmoud Abbas continues to refuse to sit down for talks with the US and Israel, the US is open to seeking out someone else who will be. The bottom line is that the PA will not be allowed to harm the interests of the US and its allies while continuing to receive funding.

As for the foolish comments Abbas recently made about the Ambassador, Friedman diplomatically commented that Abbas can continue his rhetoric or “…work with us for the people that need electricity, water, schools and medical services.”

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