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Zeev Jabotinsky’s Passover Message

With Passover approaching, it is timely to revisit Zionist ideologue Zeev Jabotinsky’s Passover message, in an article “Four Sons” which speaks of his deep understanding of the meaning of the four sons’ story traditionally read on Passover. A profound understanding of the story of the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt at Passover is said to be adapted to the psychology of four typical children, four typical Jews.

Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s Passover message, by Ronn Torossian/Arutz Sheva, April 15, 2022





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Connection to Electricity Approved But….

Deputy Attorney General Carmit Yulis on Tuesday approved the connection of the ‘young settlements’ in Judea and Samaria to the electrical grid.

The heads of the Knesset Land of Israel Lobby, MKs Yoav Kisch and Orit Struck, warned MK Nir Orbach, who made the connection of the communities to electricity a condition for his remaining in the government: “Under no circumstances should you lend a hand to the defense minister’s ‘territories for electricity’ deal.”

“Connecting the Abu Mazen outposts to electricity in exchange for connecting the young settlements is an active aid to the Palestinian Authority’s plan to take over the territories of Judea and Samaria, an unparalleled dangerous step. The young settlements, in whole and not just part of it, should have been connected to electricity as early as three and a half months ago, in parallel with the Electricity Law, and without any connection to the Abu Mazen outposts. We will not give up and we will continue to press until this just and elementary step is taken,” Struck and Kish said.

Residents in Area C having been needlessly waiting a long time to be connected to the basic service of electricity. While we would like to see this development become the start of a domino effect throughout all of Judea and Samaria, it should not be a bargaining chip in trying to negotiate a disastrous two-state solution.

Connection of young settlements to electricity approved, by Israel National News, April 12, 2022

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Bedein Center Making Headway

The Wiesenthal Centre has forwarded the content of a report from the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, to the European Commission and to Foreign Ministers of major donor countries to the UNRWA including, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

In this report, the Bedein Center explains it has had six meetings with the office of the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, regarding “the fate of 5.3 million Palestinian refugee descendants”… “UN Secretary-General Staff made clear that donor nations to UNRWA are to be responsible for any indiscretions which occur in UNRWA.”

That’s a welcome statement from the United Nations and an acknowledgement of the truth. Will we hear more of the same? Only time will tell but we’re not holding our breath.

European Donors to UNRWA are shown a 1 January Video of Fatah Armed Demonstration in UNRWA Camp, by Simon Wiesenthal Center, April 12, 2022



O que é bootcamp, seus benefícios e como começar a treinar?

E quem opta pelo bootcamp já resolve esses dois problemas de uma só vez já que programas de imersão são mais rápidos e acabam saindo bem mais baratos que cursos tradicionais. Nem todo mundo tem recurso suficiente para gastar durante anos em cursos de graduação ou especialização. Enquanto uma pós-graduação tradicional leva geralmente dois anos para ser finalizada, o bootcamp curso de cientista de dados é feito em algumas semanas (ou até menos dependendo do programa em questão). O bootcamp é uma imersão em determinada área ou tema específico durante um curto espaço de tempo. Os treinamentos mais comuns englobam corridas na esteira, treinos intervalados de alta intensidade (HIIT), obstáculos com peso e outras modalidades como burpees, flexões e agachamentos.

  • Isso pode resultar em conexões valiosas que podem beneficiá-lo a longo prazo.
  • Um bootcamp é uma metodologia de estudo intensivo focada em conhecimentos práticos e específicos relacionados ao desenvolvimento de softwares.
  • Logo, em um bootcamp de programação, aprendê-las é algo essencial para que um bom profissional se destaque nos processos seletivos, pois além de mostrar experiência, ele também terá mais facilidade da hora de criar algo novo.
  • No caso de profissionais em transição de carreira, o bootcamp é o que pode garantir uma conversão rápida na trajetória.
  • Os bootcamps online, além de facilitar o acesso, permitem que os futuros programadores façam o network na área e possam, ao final do curso, buscar oportunidades de trabalho remoto.
  • Sendo assim, podemos encontrar cursos full-time, ou seja, períodos integrais que duram até 9 semanas, e part-time, que são realizados em meio período e podem chegar a 24 semanas.

No caso de profissionais em transição de carreira, o bootcamp é o que pode garantir uma conversão rápida na trajetória. Imagine precisar fazer uma nova graduação para se recolocar no mercado? Por isso, o aprendizado de um curso intensivo é o que garante as principais habilidades e competências para se reinserir no mercado. Um evento do tipo bootcamp é um treinamento intensivo e prático, geralmente com duração de algumas semanas. Seu objetivo é aprimorar as habilidades e conhecimentos dos participantes em uma área específica. Existem turmas focadas em diferentes linguagens ou tecnologias de programação, como programação Full Stack, design UX/UI, ciência de dados ou desenvolvimento de aplicativos.

Como fazer um bootcamp da XP Educação

Os participantes têm a oportunidade de se imergir em trilhas de aprendizado específicas, como Front-end Angular, Back-end NodeJS e Product Owner, onde adquirem habilidades essenciais para o mercado de trabalho. Esses programas são ministrados por profissionais experientes ou mentores qualificados, com experiência na área em que o bootcamp se concentra. Eles fornecem orientação prática, feedback constante e mentorias para ajudar os participantes a desenvolver suas habilidades da melhor maneira possível. Colocar as habilidades técnicas nas mãos de pessoas criativas é uma das melhores formas de mostrar aos alunos que a tecnologia é uma ferramenta de criação. Na programação, os alunos vivenciam um treinamento imersivo com profissionais que têm experiência de mercado e que vão ajudá-los a começar seus primeiros projetos num curto espaço de tempo. Existem bootcamps para várias áreas, como design UX/UI, marketing digital, ciência de dados, entre outros.

  • Entre os principais assuntos trabalhados aqui, você vai entender mais sobre noções básicas do Active Record e consultas JOIN avançadas conectando seu banco de dados ao ruby com um ORM (Objeto Relacional Mapeamento).
  • Cursos ou especializações demandam tempo e investimentos a longo prazo, e essa nem sempre é uma opção viável para todo mundo.
  • O Bootcamp é indicado para qualquer equipe de esporte eletrônico que deseja ter um aprendizado focado na prática em outras regiões.
  • Essa etapa geralmente dura cerca de 60 horas e ele é cumprido antes de realmente começar as aulas.
  • Os instrutores em um bootcamp dão feedback constante aos participantes, ajudando-os a melhorar suas habilidades em tempo real.

Com uma imersão em diferentes linguagens e aplicabilidades, o programador junior pode concorrer a cargos de entrada em empresas de tecnologia. Já o bootcamp tem um foco maior em programação, ou seja, capacita os alunos a atuar na criação e manutenção de softwares, não no departamento de TI como um todo. Ao mesmo tempo que isso pode ser uma limitação para vagas em empresas mais tradicionais, há espaço para desenvolvedores em áreas diversas de atuação.

Verificar se há espaço livre que não foi alocado

Neste artigo, mostraremos tudo o que o universo dos bootcamps têm a oferecer para você. Hoje faz parte do time da Tera usando o Marketing de Conteúdo como ferramenta para democratizar o conhecimento e transformar carreiras. Imagine, por exemplo, uma faculdade de Ciências da Computação, que inclui uma ampla gama de tópicos ao longo de seus 8 ou 10 semestres. Há disciplinas sobre redes, sistemas operacionais e teorias da computação, que ajudam a compreensão do assunto, mas não podem ser diretamente aplicadas no dia a dia de uma pessoa desenvolvedora.

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The Pressure Is On Bennett

Last weekend, the chairman of the Knesset House Committee, MK Nir Orbach (Yamina), passed a list of demands to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and said that would he agree to remain in the coalition only if those demands are fulfilled. “Without a solution to these issues, I will not be able to remain in the coalition,” Orbach clarified to Bennett.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz confirmed that the Supreme Planning Council will meet immediately after Passover to approve housing units for construction in Judea and Samaria.

Following Idit Silman’s resignation from the coalition, Bennett-Lapid officials have asked lawyers to formulate agreements with the Joint Arab List, according to Channel 13 News correspondent Ayala Hasson. The Joint List would not join the government but would vote in favor of a number of legislative proposals and the next state budget, ensuring that the current 60-60 tie between the coalition and opposition does not kill the government’s legislative agenda and that a failure to pass the budget which would trigger new elections does not occur.

With that said, we have reason to be very concerned and can say with certainty that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is a threat to the State of Israel. MK Miki Zohar from the Likud responded on his Twitter account: “Coalition with the Joint List? Apparently Bennett has lost it.”

Yamina officials to INN: Gantz will approve Judea and Samaria construction after Passover, by Hezki Baruch/Israel National News, April 11, 2022

Bennett’s new partners – The Joint List?, by Israel National News, April 10, 2022





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Joseph’s Tomb Vandalized: Could It Have Been Avoided?

Joseph’s Tomb, a holy place for the Jewish people, was vandalized over the weekend by Arab extremists.

An outpouring of condemnation by Israeli officials followed… shock, horror, and how this latest terror attack strikes at the very heart of “…deeply-held feelings of the Jewish people.” Jonathan Pollard in a statement zeroed in on the real problem as to why this happened: “I am absolutely disgusted at how our government first abandoned the Kever years ago and has left it vulnerable to repeated acts of vandalism by PA inspired mobs over the years. Enough!”

Pollard went on to say, “Both the Kever and a wide access route to it must be immediately secured by the IDF and formally annexed by Israel.” That means there is an urgent need to apply Sovereignty. Without it, Israel’s heritage remains threatened.

Israel Condemns ‘Shocking’ Vandalism of Joseph’s Tomb as Palestinian Rioters Torch Holy Site, by Sharon Wrobel/The Algemeiner, April 10, 2022






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To Repair or Not To Repair: What’s the Real Plan?

Yesterday, members of Israel’s high-level security cabinet unanimously approved a plan submitted by Defense Minister Benny Gantz to build the additional 25-mile segment of the security barrier.

However, not everyone approves of this. Efrat Mayor Oded Revivi stated, “Instead of addressing the problem that is developing in northern Samaria, they are trying to hide it behind a wall.” MK Bezalel Smotrich harshly criticized the plan and Bennett, saying Bennett is building the new border that he had so strongly fought against in the past, and returning Israel to the Oslo years.”

The gap in the security fence must be repaired to prevent unwanted entry into Israel. However, given that Bennett’s decision illustrates that he’s done another about face on his campaign promise, we remain concerned about what the true long-term goal is.

Israel Adding 25 Miles to Separation Barrier Following Wave of Terror, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, April 10, 2022

Right warns Bennett reviving Oslo by rebuilding West Bank barrier, by Tovah Lazaroff/Jerusalem Post, April 11, 2022







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Coalition Crisis! Bennett’s Gov’t Has Lost the Majority

Right-wing lawmakers lauded former coalition whip, Idit Silman (Yamina) Wednesday morning, after her Tuesday night announcement of plans to resign from the Bennett government and push for the formation of a new coalition.

Opposition Leader and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video statement, “I was excited to hear the news of Idit Silman’s decision, and I bless you in the name of many people in Israel who waited for this moment.”

According to reports, she is set to join Likud in the opposition, giving the Likud party two main potential paths to return to power. The first option would be for it to pass a law to dissolve the Knesset and this would require the support of at least 61 of the 120 members of Knesset. Recent polls done by Channel 14, Israel’s version of Fox News, show that in an election, the right wing would get 62 seats and Yamina would not pass the threshold. We hope this kind of news encourages more defections from the Yamina party, which has right wing origins.

Israel cannot afford another bout of governmental paralysis with the Israeli people paying the price. From our viewpoint a collapse of the government at some point was inevitable. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s tenure has been deeply troubled from the start with his flip-flop on campaign promises. He appeased the Islamist Arabs in his coalition, ignored the pressing needs of Jews in Judea and Samaria (i.e., increased construction, electricity via the national grid) and has done nothing to apply Sovereignty there. He’s dragged his feet on actions that could bolster Israel’s safety and security throughout the country and preserve its Jewish Zionist identity. With all the damage he and his coalition have done, we pray the outcome restores to Israel all that has been ignored, undermined and threatened under Bennett’s leadership. We are watching closely for developments.

Bennett’s government in crisis as whip Silman quits, stripping coalition of majority, by TOI Staff, April 6, 2022

Rightist MKs laud coalition chair for bolting government, by Israel National News, April 6, 2022


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Terror Attack in Binyamin Region

This afternoon a Palestinian man broke into the Ramat Migron community in the Binyamin region of Samaria, and violently attacked a Jewish resident until a bystander managed to subdue him.

A Jewish member of the community noticed unfamiliar Arab man lingering near a residence where a woman and child were home alone. After being asked repeatedly to identify himself, the Arab jumped on the Jew, punching him repeatedly. He wrestled the Jewish man to the ground and then began to “strangle” him. Fortunately a bystander intervened and helped the victim subdue the attacker. The two Jewish men kept the attacker on the ground until security forces arrived and arrested him.

“This is an incident that could easily have ended in injury to a woman and children who are now at home during the Passover holiday,” attorney Haim Bleicher, who serves in the NGO Honenu’s Department of Victims of Terrorism, said in a statement.

This attack comes after a wave of deadly Arab terror attacks in Israel during the last week of March. As Ramadan observance approaches it is critical for the IDF, COGAT and other police and intelligence units to increase security to Jewish communities throughout the country.

‘Mentally ill’ Arab attacks Jew in Samaria, subdued by bystander, by World Israel News Staff, April 7, 2022

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Now “In Many Theaters,” Israel Tightens Security

Visiting the Shin Bet security agency’s northern headquarters, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Sunday that Israel is entering a period of “vigilant routine” as security forces work to prevent further terror attacks.

Bennett stated, “Terrorists have all kinds of ideas, so we are on high alert, both the Shin Bet and the Israel Police, to identify any hint of an idea or plan for an attack, and thwart it in advance.” He also said the Israel Defense Forces are also on high alert along a security barrier, after a gap in the fence was utilized by a Palestinian who killed five people in a shooting attack in Bnei Brak last week.

As Israel now enters what Bennett calls “…a period of ‘vigilant routine,'” we pray that all of Israel’s security and defense agencies protect her people. May all of Israel’s law-abiding citizens, Jewish Christian and Muslim, soon feel confident returning to normalcy in their daily lives.

Visiting West Bank, Bennett says Israel on lookout for any ‘hint’ of attack, by Emanuel Fabian/Times of Israel, April 3, 2022

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