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The BDS Blacklist – You Will Slander Israel NO MORE!

“As head of the Entry into Israel Law, I made it clear that I will use my authority to prevent the entry of members of organizations and individuals whose sole purpose is to harm the State of Israel and its security. These people take advantage of the law and our hospitality to act against Israel and slander the Land. I will work against this in every way.”
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri.

And IM Deri has made good on his word.

Today’s Arutz Sheva reports that the Israeli government has compiled a list of anti-Israel organizations backing the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement whose activists will not be allowed to enter Israel. The names of the boycott organizations will be transferred to the Immigration and Population Authority in the Ministry of the Interior for the purpose of preventing entry into Israel.

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Trump White House Administration and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Support Iranian Protestors

President Donald Trump pledged to help Iranians “take back” their government Wednesday, as his White House weighed new sanctions against elements of the regime involved in a violent crackdown against protestors.

Though no specifics were stated, a senior administration official said that the White House was “looking across the board” at sanction authorities allowing Trump to target organizations or individuals involved in human rights violations, censorship or preventing free assembly.

The strong support being shown by the White House is in direct contrast with former President Obama’s inaction and silence during the 2009 Green Revolution uprising. A recent Washington Examiner editorial argues that Obama’s inaction was purposefully executed in order to forge ahead and not disturb his then plans for what we know now as the disastrous “Iran Nuclear Deal.”

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Tuesday called the UN to take concrete steps to support Iranians, after anti-government protests erupted over the weekend.

“The UN must speak out,” Haley told reporters in New York City. “All freedom-loving people must stand with their cause. The international community made the mistake of failing to do that in 2009. We must not make that mistake again.”

AFSI continues to applaud President Trump and Ambassador Nikki Haley for their steadfast position on supporting basic civil liberties, freedoms and justice for and oppressed Iranian people. Their stance on this issue moves us closer toward a SAFE ISRAEL.

For more click here.

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Langfan: Putin’s Bad Bet on Iran!

AFI’S Chairman Mark Langfan’s most recent publication is in yesterday’s Arutz Sheva. Mark writes about Russian President Valdimir Putin who he says has put all his eggs in one basket in the Middle East and which is now crashing down.

Given the financial and geopolitical situation, Putin may have thought that in betting on Iran he had the strong horse. Recent events make it appear he had the wrong horse.

Read Mark’s full article HERE.

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Register Now for AFSI’s Chizuk Mission Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the State

Due to the overwhelming demand in Jerusalem for the 70th Anniversary we have not yet completed calculating our costs. Final cost to be announced but is expected to be in line with previous missions. To secure your spot please make a down payment of at least $500 by January 11, 2018.

Register TODAY for AFSI’s 70th Anniversary Chizuk Mission!
Israel will be brimming with celebrants.

Act NOW so that we can guarantee your reservation!


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Baruch Dayan HaEmet

On behalf of our Chairman, Mark Langfan, the Board of Directors, and everyone at Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI, we extend sincere condolences to Minister of Knesset Yehuda Glick, and his eight children on the passing of his wife, and their mother, Yaffa, z’l.

May the family be comforted among all those who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem, and may they know no more sorrows.

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1,500 Strong for Sovereignty

The Likud Central Committee met Sunday evening and gave its unanimous support for a draft resolution urging its leaders to formally annex large parts of Judea and Samaria. The Women in Green started it all and AFSI has been a proud partner from the beginning. We rejoice in this important development. Arutz Sheva report here.

Women in Green leaders Nadia Matar (left),
Yehudit Katsover (right) with Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Environmental Protection, Ze’ev Elkin (center).

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Iran’s Uprising – Silence Everywhere but Support from Trump and Netanyahu

Last Thursday Iranians began demonstrating against President Hassan Rouhani’s brutal regime. The United Nations and European leaders have, not surprisingly, remained noticeably silent on this development.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered enthusiastic support for the Iranian people in their demonstrations against both the secular and religious governments of their country.
Decades of spreading hate and financial waste being poured into terror groups is now coming back to smack the Ayatollah and now the Rouhani regime in the face. Let’s remember that former President Obama gave Iran $150 billion, which should have gone to help the people of Iran – the man in the street. Instead the money went to support the terrorist organizations Hezbollah and Hamas, that now threaten Israel.

A democratic Iran with justice and the basic liberties and freedoms afforded a civil society is important not only for Israel’s security, but for the security and safety of all countries.The IDF has announced that Iranian proxy Hezbollah is poised for a strike against Israel at any moment! A victory for the Iranian people could be a game-changer. Need we say more?

For a video of PM Netanyahu’s support and the Arutz Sheva article click here.

Read the Breitbart report.

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Trump Chose the Jews

At the UN General Assembly on Dec. 21, President Trump courageously had the US stand with Israel against virtually the entire world. President Trump chose to stand with Israel and to chastise America’s other allies for their hypocrisy. He did more than that; he said that actions have consequences and that America would financially penalize those nations who opposed the US recognition of Israel’s capital and the US moving its embassy to Jerusalem.

The US media did not focus on the fact that a record 65 states abstained from voting in favor of the resolution. Instead the media highlighted that our European allies voted against the US, without pointing out how these nations have become hostages to their growing Muslim populations and threats of terrorism.

Jewish critics of President Trump love to heap praise on Ambassador Nikki Haley as if her clear voice in support of Israel at the UN reflected anything other than the policies of the president of the US. Ambassador Haley is President Trump’s representative; she is not a free agent. It is Trump’s policies she expounded when she said at the UN:
“ America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that.

But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.”
American Jewish communal organizations were quick to denounce the UN vote; but they could not bring themselves to praise President Trump for his courageous stand. By their partisan actions, they forfeit their right to speak for the communal interests of American Jews.

Their failure makes it crucially important that we coalesce in grassroots organizations to speak out.

Over the opposition of the rest of the world, President Trump Chose the Jews. Thank you, Mr. President. is a nationwide grassroots organization

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Watching David Myers Closely

Along with JCC Watch, AFSI held two protest demonstrations this fall against the appointment of David Meyers at the Center for Jewish History and continues to keep a close watch on this issue. It has been reported that through writings and his role as a UCLA professor, David Meyers turned a generation of Jews against Israel. The Israel Group was given a direct and anonymous quote from an internationally respected UCLA professor and longtime colleague of David Myers: “The damage that Myers caused to Jewish life at UCLA will take many years to erase. He undermined systematically any attempt to bring students closer to Israel, and created two bastions of anti-Israel cultures: 1. the Center for Jewish studies, and 2. The history department.

These statements confirm our stand that David Myers will not separate his role as a leader in The New Israel Fund, JStreet and othersof the same bent, from his role as the head of the largest repository of Jewish history in the US. The fight continues!

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