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Israel Stands for Everything We Hope the Middle East Will Become

US Senator Marco Rubio spoke at the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington D.C. Tuesday, to explain the importance of the US-Israel relationship.

“I think America standing with our allies is important.”

“I think Israel stands for everything we hope the Middle East will become: A free-enterprise democracy. If we had more countries like that in the Middle East our lives would be a lot simpler.

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“Israel Is Not Going Away” – Nikki Haley

The United Nations discourages peace between Israelis and Palestinians by perpetuating an “illusion” that the existence of the Jewish state has caused the region’s conflicts, Nikki Haley, the US envoy to the UN, said on Monday.

Haley told the crowd that Israel “is not going away.” Realization of that at the UN is the key to ending Israel’s isolation there.

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Exposed: UK Labour Party Anti-Semites

World Israel News reports that the head of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, and BBC reporter Yolanda Knell were allegedly members of an invite-only Facebook group through which virulent anti-Semitism was promoted.

The UK Labour Party confirmed this week it is investigating as many as six party members for their involvement in a secret Facebook group that trafficked in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, Holocaust denial, and other ideologies promoted by racist sources such as the Daily Stormer

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Farrakhan’s Virulent Anti-Semitism Letter to the Editor – The New York Post

Rich Lowry’s article about the Democrats and their love for Louis Farrakhan, lays out a terrifying scenario. Why is it acceptable in this country, where freedom of religion is one of our basic rights and precepts, for a major political party, the Democrats, to embrace an openly malevolent anti-Semite and Nation of Islam leader like Farrakhan? How can a strong supporter of Farrakhan, and equally anti-Semitic Congressman, Keith Ellison, become the Democratic National Committee Deputy Chairman? Why is it acceptable for six members of the Black Caucus to boycott President Trump’s State of the Union address, but openly embrace Farrakhan? There’s a photo of former President Obama, happily smiling with Farrakhan. Why was that not enough to raise questions about Obama’s alliances?

As a proud Jew, it offends me no end to be called “Satanic” and to be warned by the Nation of Islam leader that my ‘time is up, my world is through’. It offends me that he openly cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in proclaiming the Jews the controllers of the world. And now, as Lowry points out, Farrakhan blames the Jews for ‘transgenderism’.

Farrakhan’s supporters, including women who organized the Women’s March, like Linda Sarsour, as well as Illinois Congressman Danny Davis, and tragically, even some misguided Jews in J Street, are shaming our nation. There is no place in this remarkable country of ours for such slander and hatred against the Jews. None of this would be tolerated for any other people or religion. The Democrats who are embracing Farrakhan and Ellison must understand that they are leading America down a dark path. We pray they will see the light.

Helen Freedman

For additional reading on this deeply terrifying and troubling issue, see Jack Englehard’s OpEd in Arutz Sheva.

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Ambassador Ron Dermer at AIPAC

JoeSettler, blogger for The Jewish Press, reports on a question asked of Ron Dermer, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, at the 2018 AIPAC Conference.

Dan Weiss asked Dermer how he thinks Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration will advance peace. Dermer begins his response with a bit of history.

Read more HERE.

Dermer also firmly stated that Israel is “dead serious” about enforcing its red lines in Syria.

Watch the full interview HERE 

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Do Not Sanction the Two-State Solution

AFSI Chairman Mark Langfan’s expresses his deep concerns for calls for a two-state peace plan.

AIPAC’s chairman endorses it and rumors have been circulating for over a week that Trump will unveil a plan offering a two-state solution.

The bottom line is this: how can the Palestinians be given a state when they have refused to stop financial compensation to terrorists who commit acts of terror against the Jewish people? This, along with ongoing Palestinian brainwashing, does not make a good recipe for statehood. Furthermore, Trump’s rumored plan to sanction a two-state solution is not in the best interests of the United States.

Mark spells out all the details for us today in his Arutz Sheva Op Ed

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AFSI Supports Yossi Dagan’s Letter of Opposition

Shomron Regional Council
Chairman’s Office
Fax: 03-9066407 / Landline: 03-9066400
1 Derech Barkan
P.O. Box 1
Barkan, Israelbbq

March 5, 2018

Dear leaders of the AIPAC family, Shalom from Israel.

We are – speaking for all Israelis – extremely appreciative of AIPAC’s devoted efforts to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship. The Hebrew accolade is, “Kol haKavod!”

We do however note that the AIPAC talking points are still very much tied to establishment of a Palestinian state (what has been called “the two-state solution”). The AIPAC website also seems to imply that Israel is committed to a two-state solution and that the United States takes this position as well.

Please note this assumption has no basis in fact: The sovereign entity in Israel is of course the Government of Israel (GOI). The official GOI Guidelines are available to the public (e.g. here: IsraelGov/GovDocuments/Pages/ kaveyesod.aspx). As you see, they contain not one word or even hint of support for the “two-state solution”.

Furthermore, as for the United States, while the previous (February 2015) National Security Strategy report did state that the United States remains “committed to … a two-state solution”, it is our understanding that the National Security Strategy currently in effect, as of December 2017, content/uploads/2017/12/NSS- Final-12-18-2017-0905.pdf does not indicate support for the two-state outcome. This is presumably in an effort not to coerce an American ally, the State of Israel, into an outcome which that ally does not regard as desirable, just or safe.

I am astounded as to why such a great, meaningful organization as AIPAC, whose raison d’etre is pro-Israel advocacy in the United States, would represent the positions of the State of Israel (and of the United States) so inaccurately before senior government officials, senators and congressmen, and the general pro-Israel public. The position that AIPAC is representing as that of the State of Israel — in the AIPAC mission statement and in the AIPAC talking points inter alia — not only fails to represent Israel properly, it is detrimental to the efforts to achieve dialogue in the Middle East.

Therefore, we strongly believe that the AIPAC mission statement and talking points should be updated at this time. This would allow AIPAC to participate even more effectively in Israel’s great quest – for survival as an independent, secure, moral, democratic, peaceful Jewish state, benefitting the world in the spirit of Tikun Olam.

Very sincerely,

Yossi Dagan
Shomron Regional Council

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AFSI Strongly Opposes Statement Issued by AIPAC’s Howard Kohr

As reported in Arutz Sheva and numerous other sources today, Howard Kohr, AIPAC’s CEO expressed strong support for the establishment of a Palestinian state during his address to the organization’s 2018 conference in Washington DC Sunday night, warning that the Jewish state will never live securely “until she is at peace with all her neighbors”.

AFSI is strongly opposed to Howard Kohr’s statement. His words reflects the fantasy that sanctioning a Palestinian state will put a stop to the ongoing acts of terror Palestinians commit against the Jewish people. In this fantasy will there be an end to the financial rewards given to those who do commit these heinous acts? Kohr fails to mention the Palestinians continued refusal to recognize Israel as a legitimate state. Does the fact that Mahmoud Abbas brainwashes his people and lavishly spends on his needs (a $50 million presidential plane) while neglecting to take care of his people illustrate that statehood is the right solution?

It’s disturbing that Kohr fails to see the critical facts on why a two-state plan IS NOT THE SOLUTION. His comment in reference to Israel, “until she is at peace with all her neighbors,” clearly puts the blame on Israel and for a leader of such a high-profile pro-Israel advocacy group to state this….we think it’s disgraceful

“We must all work toward that future: two states for two peoples,” said Kohr. “One Jewish with secure and defensible borders, and one Palestinian with its own flag and its own future. Today that dream seems remote. This is tragic.”

Mr. Kohr, you are dreaming. Your dream is remote because you failed to state support for Israel as a nation under the constant threat of terror. Your endorsement of a Palestinian state rewards terrorists and this is not a dream – it’s a nightmare. Maybe you need to go back to sleep, dream a different dream, and wake up.

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