Netanyahu: We are Inspired by the Spirit of Victory

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement on Tuesday reiterating that Operation Swords of Iron will not end until all of Israel’s objectives are achieved: eliminating Hamas as a governing and military entity; returning all the kidnapped hostages, both living and deceased; and ensuring Gaza can never again pose a threat to the Jewish State.

The statement came in response to a New York Times report entitled “Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza” that cited “anonymous sources” claiming Israel is prepared to end the war before achieving all its objectives due to shortages in ammunition, spare parts and personnel.

“I do not know who these anonymous sources are, but I am here to make it unequivocally clear: This will not happen. The war will end once Israel achieves all of its objectives, including the destruction of Hamas and the release of all of our hostages. The Government directed the IDF to achieve these war objectives and the IDF has all the means to achieve them. We will not capitulate to the winds of defeatism, neither in The New York Times nor anywhere else. We are inspired by the spirit of victory.” Netanyahu said a few hours after the report was published.

Netanyahu Rebuts NYT Report: War Won’t End Until All Objectives Achieved by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, July 2, 2024

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