Where Was the REAL Nakba?

The United Nations General Assembly yesterday passed a resolution to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of Israel as a “catastrophe (nakba).” Adopted by a vote of 90-30 with 47 abstentions, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and most European Union countries including Germany voted against the anti-Israel resolution.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan held up a picture that shows the expulsion of the Jews from Arab countries and Iran as well as a sign with the headline from The New York Times written days after the establishment of the State of Israel. He said, “Two days after Israel’s establishment, this was the headline in the New York Times. It did not read, ‘Arabs in Grave Danger in all Jewish Lands.’ It read, ‘Jews in Grave Danger in all Moslem Lands.’

The real nakba here is the United Nations. What a shameful, hypocritical and Jew hating “world body” they are. Every rational minded and peace loving nation should stop paying their dues to the UN. Now, what a nakba that would be for the UN, wouldn’t it?

Amb. Erdan to UN: Stop ignoring the Jewish Nakba, by Israel National News, November 30, 2022

Israel slams UN after vote to mark Palestinian ‘catastrophe’, by i24NEWS and ILH Staff/Israel Hayom, December 1, 2022





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