Continue the Zionist Path Up the Mountain

The Nachala movement is planning to set up at least 28 new communities in Judea and Samaria, three of which it plans to erect days after US President Joe Biden’s visit to region this week, Israel Hayom has learned.

Nachala has been preparing to establish new outposts, with a target date of July 20, for some time. Ahead of the new outpost launch, the group carried out visits to various strategic points in Judea and Samaria and put together logistics teams and a special situation room that will be staffed around the clock.

According to Nachala chairwoman Daniella Weiss, “The Jewish people are a healthy people. Since we started this move some weeks ago, we’ve encountered warmth from the public like we’ve never seen before. The public understands the importance of new settlements, and how much the pioneering, Zionist progress will lift the people’s spirits as we continue the Zionist path up the mountain. With Gd’s help, and with a lot of work, we’re poised to break a years-long freeze, and see settlement flourish throughout Judea and Samaria.”

When the AFSI Chizuk Mission Trip met with Daniella during our mission in May (photo above) we learned of this upcoming strategic move. Of course, we were enthusiastic supporters of the plan!

Settler group plans to erect 28 new outposts after Biden visit, by Hanan Greenwood/Israel Hayom, July 11, 2022


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