A Scene That Wouldn’t Happen Under Sovereignty

More than 70 Military Police teams arrived on Wednesday morning to evacuate the Tzur Harel community in the Benjamin region. According to the Civil Administration, rioters set fire to a vehicle and tires at the entrance to the site, in order to delay the evacuation.

Reports state that the evacuation was violent. It was reported that Military Police forces fired gas grenades directly into a family’s home, while the parents and their 3 small children were inside the house. Rescue teams that arrived at the scene treated two children who were suffering from shortness of breath.

Givat Tzur Harel, named after IDF soldier Harel Sharvit who fell in battle in Gaza, was established about a year ago.

ALL OF THIS could have been avoided had the application of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria been firmly in place. We hate to admit it, but without sovereignty declared in this region, horrendous and wrenching scenes such as that in Tzur Harel will go on and on and on.

Harsh scenes from Oz Zion: Military Police fired gas grenades into family home by Israel National News, July 3, 2024

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