At the Kotel and the Gush Etzion Army Base
Yom Ha’Atzmaut in Tel Aviv
70 Ambucycles Dedicated in Honor of Israel @ 70
United Hatzalah of Israel is the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer Emergency Medical Service organization that provides the fastest and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. With the help of its unique GPS technology and iconic ambucycles, their average response time is less than 3 minutes across the country and 90 seconds in metropolitan areas.
European Union Passes Bill to Promote Anti-Hate Education in Palestinian Schools
This week the Parliament of the European Union adopted new legislation intended to prevent EU aid from being transferred to the Palestinian Authority (PA) for educational purposes from being used to teach hate.
The new bill aims to ensure that all programs financed with EU money “reflect common values such as freedom, tolerance, and nondiscrimination within education.” In accordance with the new legislation, Palestinian textbooks will be examined to proactively maintain that they meet EU and UNESCO standards.
We would like to see the examination of Palestinian textbooks fully enforced along with a plan to document the hate against Israel that has polluted PA youth for way too long. Much damage has been done because of years of anti-Israel hate taught in PA schools.We’d also like to see the EU come up with a plan to de-program these kids from so much hate.
Israeli security inspectors on Wednesday located a powerful bomb in a PA Arab truck at the Reihan crossing, west of Jenin. The truck was delivering goods to Jewish communities in Samaria. The explosive device was apparently intended for an Independence Day attack in Israel.
At Shiloh in Search of New Finds Related to the Original Tabernacle Located in Shilo
Update on Amona Community
Among AFSI’s many friends in Israel, we made it our priority to visit those from Amona to see the progress on their new community outside of Shilo.
It was our sincere hope that we would find that all of the evacuees moved from their dormitory accommodations in Ofra, to their new caravans. The plan is to eventually build permanent homes.
WE ARE HAPPY TO REPORT PROGRESS AT AMICHAI!! May this wonderful community go from strength to strength.
Pictured right is long-time Amona resident Eldad Ziv.