Expose the Refugee Myth

In 2012 Congress ordered the State Department to disclose how many Palestinians currently served by UNRWA fled the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and how many are merely their descendants. The Obama administration classified the report, citing national security. We did not know census data was a threat to national security.

The UNRWA numbers in the report are grossly exaggerated in order to perpetuate its Palestinian “refugee” agenda.

“Once the refugee issue is exposed as a scam, Palestinian leaders would have to learn how to govern, not merely stir up antagonism with Israel.” It’s time for the truth to unfold and AFSI believes President Trump can make this happen. We call on President Trump to DECLASSIFY THIS DOCUMENT NOW.

Read Caroline Glick’s excellent Opinion piece on exposing and shutting down UNRWA.

Neda Amin’s Artuz Sheva OpEd exposes the origin of a new course for Palestinian children called, “How Will We Kill an Israeli.”

Britain is now getting wind of the fact that their funding is being used for anti-Semitism incitement in Palestinian textbooks and plans an investigation.

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