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Im Tirtzu’s Campaign “Ridding Israel of the NIF” Continues

Last week, Im Tirtzu launched a new campaign against the New Israel Fund in light of the NIF’s increased anti-Israel activities.

The campaign began by placing a 100-foot long billboard on Tel-Aviv’s Ayalon Highway (along with hanging thousands of smaller posters throughout Israel), and by publishing a new report detailing the NIF’s modus operandi in delegitimizing Israel.

Below are two new videos from the campaign.

The New Israel Fund Against the State of Israel

A new video game developed by one of Im Tirtzu’s volunteers, which depicts the reality for IDF soldiers who are harassed and persecuted by the NIF

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Let Pollard Immigrate to Israel

Reports over the weekend state that the Trump administration is seriously considering allowing Jonathan Pollard to move to Israel as urged by US and Israeli officials  at The Jerusalem Post Conference in New York on Sunday.

AFSI strongly supports Jonathan Pollard’s immigration to Israel and would love to see it happen in conjunction with the forthcoming opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem.

World Israel News story HERE.

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Pompeo: “We’re With Israel”

Mike Pompeo voiced a strongly worded message of support for Israel on Sunday on his first trip to Israel as US Secretary of State. Pompeo met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“We remain deeply concerned about Iran’s dangerous escalation of threats to Israel and the region and Iran’s ambition to dominate the Middle East remains. The US is with Israel in this fight.”

Story HERE.

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IDF military helicopter searched for missing teen swept away in Tzafit Stream flood in Judean Desert, near southern Dead Sea

Flash Flood Search Ends

The body of a tenth Israeli student was recovered late Thursday night by search and rescue personnel who continued efforts despite a blanket of darkness combined with incredibly difficult and harsh conditions.

AFSI expresses its condolences to the ten families of the victims of the flash flood in the Arava.

Report HERE.

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Helen Freedman with Naama Odess, mother of Elisha, meeting in Israel

Shabak Framing Jewish Hilltop Youth as Jewish Terrorists

AFSI demonstrated over two years ago on behalf of Elisha Odess who is still in jail allegedly for the Duma arson crime, although endless interrogation and torture have proven nothing. Our position was,INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. His case has still NOT come to trial. Now we have a report about the Shabak FRAMING Jewish hilltop youth. This is an intolerable situation which MUST STOP.

Apparently, the Justice Department is unable to override the actions of the Shabak. Although we appreciate the many necessary activities of the Shabak to provide safety to Israel’s citizens, we deplore its subversive, cruel, and destructive actions against idealistic Jewish youth who might live on the hilltops of Judea and Samaria. These young pioneers are working with their parents, or going it alone, in preserving Israel’s hold on Jewish land. The Shabak framing and targeting of the youth must end.

Read the story HERE 

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A Fond Farewell with More Photos from Our Mission to Israel

AFSI Chizuk MIssion participants attended a farewell dinner in Ma’aleh Adumim and said goodbye to each other until the next mission.

Below, view more fabulous photos taken on our magnificent trip to Israel!

Moshe Eyal guiding AFSI in Mitzpe Jericho
In Kfar Vradim
Beit Shean Sound and Light Show
Bedouin camp funded by EU on Israeli land
Helen and Charlie exploring an old synagogue in Tsfat
Channel 1 filming AFSI in Tsfat
Lunch in Pequin
In Pequin with Aharon Pulver
Jeep tour to see the illegal Bedouin encampments
Lunch in Rotem
Benny Gavrielli guided AFSI through the Jordan Valley and the organic farms of Sde Eliyahu. The BioBees were amazing.
Ron Nachman Legacy Center-Ariel Pioneers Museum. Nachman was the first Mayor of Ariel and is honored in this unique museum.
AFSI visited Ezri Tubi at his studio in Ariel, and viewed a number of his YouTube BOOMERANG creations with great enjoyment and appreciation.
AFSI walking through Maskiot
In the Maskiot Synagogue

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