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How To Protect the Sovereignty of Jerusalem

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar of The Sovereignty Movement visited the Israel National News studio to discuss matters relating to the sovereignty of Jerusalem.

On the Biden admin’s attempt to open a PA consulate in Jerusalem, Matar explains: “Indeed, there were rumors that they’re claiming they’re reopening, so we checked it out… and what we understood is that [the State Department] had to make the statement that they continue to push for it but they also understand that with this government that they’re not going to be able to open a consulate.”

Matar went on to say that despite the US not being able to open a consulate we cannot rest easy. “The very fact that they don’t open a consulate doesn’t mean that Jerusalem is not in danger and that is the message that we want to pass on.”

Sovereignty Movement: Make Jerusalem a metropolis to save it, by Yoni Kempinski/Israel National News, June 7, 2022

Open post

Judea and Samaria Law Vote Fails: Coalition Collapse Next?

The Judea and Samaria Law presented by New Hope Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar and supported by the coalition, fell Monday night in a vote of 58 to 52.

The law which expires at the end of this month would have continued to give the State of Israel jurisdiction over Israeli citizens living in “Area C” of Judea and Samaria thus giving them the same rights and responsibilities as Jews living anywhere in Israel. The law, which has been approved and reauthorized every five years since 1967, also affects law enforcement in Jewish communities in the region.

There will be attempts to fast track the bill again over the next few weeks, as well to find workarounds via the army. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said he would keep bringing the bill to the Knesset until it passes.

Not passing this bill is a significant indicator that the coalition, while technically still in existence, has fallen apart. MK Bezalel Smotrich speaks truth: “A coalition that cannot pass its bills and is artificially respirated by Ahmad Tibi and the Joint List is illegitimate and bound to fall. Residents of Judea and Samaria are strong and understand the importance of bringing down the anti-Zionist government.” Saar, who introduced the bill. has characterized it as a referendum on the ability of the coalition to govern.

We are no fan of the current coalition and would prefer to see a strong Zionist government in power that doesn’t go back on its promises. The Jewish Press article we sourced points out, “This could turn out be the opportunity to pass a sovereignty bill.” A failed vote for the Civil Administration to continue leaves Israel with few choices. The best, we believe, is to declare sovereignty, especially when one takes into account the very convincing allegations being made against the Civil Administration by Ad Kan (see video further below). We are hopeful for this outcome.

Judea and Samaria Law Fails to Pass Knesset Vote, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, June 6, 2022



Open post

Two Defeats in One Day for the Coalition

The failed reappointment of Matan Kahana marks second Knesset defeat for Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s coalition. Yamina parliamentarian Idit Silman voted against reappointing her running mate Matan Kahana as Israel’s Minister of Religious Affairs.

With Silman voting against it, Kahana’s reappointment only received a tie vote (55-55), bringing the coalition its second defeat in a day. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had stressed that the ballot was a vote of confidence in the government in an attempt to convince Silman to vote with her party.

After the voting result, Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu praised Idit Silman, calling her a “champion,” while Kahana, a former pilot, commented that this setback was only a “little blow to the wing.”

This is another defeat on a single evening after two coalition lawmakers voted against legislation to renew the application of Israeli criminal law and certain civil laws to Israelis living in Judea and Samaria.

Is Silman’s vote another move in the attempt to destabilize the current government?

Rebel MK torpedoes Israel’s minister of religious affairs reappointment, by i24NEWS, June 7, 2022

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Taking a Stand for Sovereignty: Bravo to Daniella Weiss!

Community leaders in Judea and Samaria, including the Nahala movement led by Daniela Weiss and Zvi Elimelech Sharbaf, are considering establishing 10 communities at various points in Judea and Samaria during Joe Biden’s visit to Israel.

The admittedly provocative move of this group is a protest of the delay in implementing the Evyatar community agreement that was signed between the founders of Evyatar and the Bennett government a year ago.

Biden was expected to arrive in Israel in July for the first visit since his re-election. Reports today say his trip will be delayed and some are saying it’s due to the latest concerns with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s coalition crisis.

AFSI’s Chizuk Mission met last month with Daniella in her home (photo shown here) where she discussed all the issues facing Evyatar. We applaud Daniella for taking a bold stand in defense of Israel’s legal rights to the land.

Daniella Weiss, Nahala Movement Plan 10 ‘In Your Face’ Outposts During Biden’s Visit, by David Israel/Jewish Press, June 6, 2022

‘No trip to announce’: Biden visit to Middle East ‘delayed’ or just not happening?, by Batya Jerenberg/World Israel News, June 7, 2022







¿Cómo verificar fácilmente si tu detector de humo está activo? Consejos efectivos

Pueden deberse a una amplia gama de problemas de compatibilidad en el código y su reparación puede requerir soluciones complejas. Esto garantiza que la prueba de humo tenga todas las posibilidades de detectar errores importantes y problemas que podrían causar más problemas si no se solucionan inmediatamente. El primer paso para llevar a cabo una prueba de humo es elegir los casos de prueba sobre los que se va a realizar. Antes de empezar con las pruebas de humo en las pruebas de software, es importante reunir todas las cosas que necesitará, incluidos los archivos de datos y las habilidades dentro de su organización.

Prueba de humo

Estas pruebas se suelen realizar cada vez que se añaden nuevas funciones a un programa, pero también puede haber otras ocasiones en las que se realicen pruebas de humo del software. Por ejemplo, antes de enviar código nuevo a un repositorio, antes de una gran serie de pruebas que incluyan pruebas de regresión y aceptación, o después de desplegar una nueva compilación de software. Se realizan pruebas de humo o Smoke Test, cada vez que se desarrollan nuevas funcionalidades y se integran en una complicación existente, se realizan pruebas de humo del software antes de desplegarla en el control de calidad. Realizar pruebas en esta fase ayuda a prevenir el desperdicio de recursos y en evitar futuros problemas.

Analizar los resultados de la prueba de humo

La automatización de las pruebas de sanidad puede llevar más tiempo al principio, pero una vez que el script de automatización esté configurado, podrá llevar a cabo pruebas de sanidad en muy poco tiempo. En este caso, iniciará una prueba de cordura describiendo los cambios realizados, los procesos que va a utilizar para probarlos y los resultados esperados de cada prueba. Las pruebas automatizadas son cada vez más populares entre los equipos de pruebas que disponen de los recursos y las competencias para aplicarlas. La automatización de las pruebas de sanidad permite a los equipos de pruebas realizar pruebas de sanidad con mayor regularidad y estandarizar el proceso de pruebas de sanidad en varias pruebas. A menudo, la mejor opción es combinar las pruebas automatizadas habituales con pruebas de sanidad manuales para explorar las funciones básicas con más detalle.

No se necesitan herramientas especiales para realizar pruebas de sanidad, pero las herramientas de pruebas de sanidad pueden facilitar la realización de pruebas durante el transcurso normal de la jornada laboral. Si está realizando pruebas de cordura después de que se hayan corregido los errores, querrá definir casos de prueba que verifiquen la calidad de las correcciones. Las pruebas de regresión son un superconjunto de las pruebas de sanidad, lo que significa que una prueba de sanidad es esencialmente un pequeño elemento de una prueba de regresión completa. Si no se realiza una en estos puntos, es posible que se encuentren errores en fases posteriores de las pruebas de funcionalidad, lo que podría afectar a la fecha de lanzamiento o causar otros problemas.

Puede identificar objetos perdidos

Las pruebas de humo manuales requieren demasiado tiempo para ejecutarlas a diario, pero las pruebas de humo automatizadas son fáciles de llevar a cabo al comienzo de cada jornada laboral. Las pruebas de humo automatizadas son mucho más rápidas que las pruebas manuales, y la mayoría de las pruebas automatizadas no tardan más de 30 a 60 minutos en completarse. Por este motivo, las pruebas de humo manuales suelen implementarse en pruebas de humo a nivel de integración. Debido a la enorme cantidad de tiempo y recursos que requieren las pruebas de humo manuales, no pueden llevarse a cabo con tanta regularidad como las pruebas de humo automatizadas. Este tipo de Por qué un curso online de desarrollo web es imprescindible para aprender la profesión suele producirse cuando se implementan módulos individuales o cuando se integran varios módulos en una única compilación de software. También es un paso preparatorio esencial para las pruebas de funcionalidad, ya que evita que los equipos de control de calidad pierdan el tiempo probando software que no está listo.

Las pruebas de humo desde el principio le dan a su software el ajuste que necesita para pasar a otros niveles de prueba. Las pruebas de humo permiten al desarrollador detectar problemas temprano, de modo que no tengan que tratarse a toda prisa cuando un sitio web está cerca de su finalización y los plazos se acercan. Antes de iniciar una prueba de humo, el equipo de control de calidad del software puede utilizar esta lista de comprobación para asegurarse de que cubre cada paso del proceso de prueba de humo.

Decidir entre pruebas manuales o automatizadas

Las pruebas de sanidad son, en última instancia, un subconjunto de las pruebas de regresión, que son un tipo de pruebas de software que los probadores utilizan para determinar cómo funciona una compilación de software después de que se hayan realizado cambios. Las pruebas de sanidad pueden ayudar a los probadores a identificar objetos relacionados o ausentes que podrían ser cruciales para el funcionamiento de la compilación. Como lo mencionan en un artículo publicado en el blog de Atlassian, la prueba de humo es uno de los 7 tipos de pruebas en el desarrollo de software. Cuando un programador decide realizar una prueba de humo, ejecuta una serie de acciones para verificar si las funcionalidades básicas del software trabajan con normalidad. No puede continuar con el desarrollo de la siguiente etapa hasta que las piezas anteriores estén reparadas y funcionando.

  • Analizamos nidos de humo en áreas atrapadas y hacemos sugerencias estructurales y técnicas para mantener rutas de escape sin humo.
  • Ejecute pruebas de humo tan a menudo como pueda, y cada vez que vaya a implementar cambios en su software.
  • Una vez que se realiza la prueba el técnico emite un certificado de estanqueidad si la inspección cumple con los estándares requeridos y bien calculado el diámetro de los tubos de salida de humos.
Open post

Knesset Preliminary Vote a Win For Exercising Sovereign Rights

A law banning the hoisting of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) flags in Israeli universities and academic institutions was approved last night in a preliminary reading in the Knesset plenum. The law was submitted after PLO flags were raised at recent “Nakba Day” rallies at Ben Gurion and Tel Aviv universities.

The explanatory notes to the bill state that it “draws a red line between a legitimate protest and a protest during which flags are flown by those who do not recognize the State of Israel or pose a threat to its existence, in bodies budgeted or supported by the state.”

Just yesterday, a large Palestinian flag hung by a left-wing group near the Diamond Exchange in Ramat Gan was taken down after sparking social media criticism and public calls by lawmakers for its removal.

Israel’s beautiful blue and white flag is a symbol of its Sovereignty as one free nation. It proudly waves as a reminder of all that Israelis have defended and sacrificed for the country. AFSI applauds the 63 Knesset members who voted in favor of this important bill, which included Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (16 opposed while Yesh Atid, Blue and White and Labor parties were absent). The bill recognizes that hostile enemies of Israel should never be permitted to dictate their message of hatred and violence in this way.

Bennett votes in favor: Knesset approves law banning waving of PLO flags, by Hezki Baruch/Israel National News, June 2, 2022

Palestinian flag comes off Ramat Gan tower after outcry, by TOI Staff/Times of Israel, June 2, 2022






Open post

PA Consulate Opening Still On The Table

It was reported earlier this week that in lieu of the immediate reopening of a PA Consulate in Jerusalem, Washington was planning to appoint the current top State Department diplomat for the region, Hady Amr, as a special envoy to the Palestinians.

In a briefing on Tuesday, Price rejected any report of the US shelving the opening of a PA Consulate in Jerusalem. Price was asked to comment and responded that the reports were inaccurate. “We remain committed to opening a consulate in Jerusalem. We’re continuing to discuss this with our Israeli and our Palestinian partners, and we’ll continue to consult with members of Congress as well. Meanwhile, at this very moment, we have a dedicated team of colleagues working in Jerusalem, in our Palestinian Affairs Office, focused on engagement with and outreach to the Palestinian people.”

Traditionally, the U.S. Department of State has been hot bed of anti-Semitism and Jew hatred. It continues on this destructive path towards Israel. Governmental changes seem to have little effect on this Department. It would be interesting and worthwhile to discover why. For now, we take comfort in remarks made by Mark Zell, Chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel. “The US does not have the legal authority to establish or expand a consulate in Jerusalem without Israel’s consent. That is international law. They understand that. They can’t open a consulate to the Palestinians in Israel without the Israeli government’s consent. The Israeli government said no, so that is why they didn’t do it.”

Price: US committed to reopening consulate to Palestinians in J’lem, by Reuters and ILH Staff/Israel Hayom, June 1, 2022




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US Counterparts Agree: No Nukes For Iran

Israel’s National Security Council chairman Eyal Hulata and his US counterpart Jake Sullivan have concluded the latest meeting of the US-Israel Strategic Consultative Group in Washington.

The SCG has met several times since the start of the Biden administration to coordinate efforts aimed at curbing the various threats posed by Iran. The meeting was attended by foreign policy, defense and intelligence officials from both governments.

The officials committed to coordinate on efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and toward deterring Iran’s aggressive regional activities. They also discussed economic and diplomatic steps to achieve these goals and reviewed ongoing cooperation between the U.S. and Israeli militaries.

It’s great that Hulata and Sullivan agree that Iran should never be able to obtain nuclear weapons. If the US agrees on this, then they need to wake up and commit to no negotiations with Iran at all. At the expense of sounding like a broken record, the US needs to cancel the Iran “deal”, continue to impose sanctions and recognize the threat it poses to not only Israel, but the entire Western world. The West needs to assist the Iranian people in overthrowing the dangerous theocracy that rules the country with an iron fist. Attempts by young Iranians are being made but communications are being cut off and other roadblocks are in the way. This is an important fight to join. We must find a way to help now!

Israeli, US national security convene meet of strategic group aimed at addressing Iran, by Jacob Magid/Times of Israel, June 1, 2022






What Is Regression Testing In Agile?

Also, regression testing goes beyond simply checking the core product performance. It can also contain analyzing the software for optimization and enhancing the user experience (UX). 1) begin covering new code (new functionality and rework of lecagy code) with unit checks by your builders. In addition to its ordinary purpose of providing stability, it helps the group give attention to the functionality in the present sprint. The more check cases you automate, the more you can verify the quality of present performance.

regression testing in scrum

We want to ensure that the old code complies with the new code and that the unchanged code stays in preserving with every build. Automated regression testing instruments that support parallel execution can significantly scale back test run occasions in software program testing, as a key a half of the software improvement. Manual regression testing, especially within the Agile surroundings, can be time-consuming.

If we plan, design and techniques our testing properly earlier than, we will definitely achieve much less painful and higher protection in regression testing during sprints as properly as in final launch. Testers should talk with product owners to observe changes in requirements what is regression testing and assess them. They ought to talk with builders to grasp which in order that they know what modifications have been made during an iteration. Cost-effective – Automating regression exams benefits the firm to keep the price low by minimizing the team size.

It is healthier than running regression tests on a product that doesn’t load or allow login and begin analyzing why lots of or thousands of regression tests fail. In basic, automation is a great fit for regression testing because regression tests get run incessantly and tend to be repetitive. And automating your regression test suite is the necessary thing to creating positive regression testing doesn’t decelerate dash cycles.

By addressing these challenges head-on, Agile groups can ensure that they deliver. In some situations, automation testing permits you to detect the bugs found during manual regression testing. For instance, while building an image processing app described above, automation enables you to see random bugs utilizing automated testing timeouts. It allows you to see the small print about what happened while performing the regression check; if it fails, analysis which options fail and precisely which line of code is affected. Error tracking instruments help you get screenshots and different metrics about the failure during the regression testing, serving to establish and debug the issue. This helps us, as it permits us to know the outcomes, in regards to the wealthy data, what happened throughout a regression check – if it broke, what failed, and specifically which line of code has the bug.

For example, whereas growing the iOS picture processing software program, handbook regression testing enables you to detect several bugs causing defects within the app UX. Therefore, the app fails to render the image accurately and crashes when the user adjustments screen orientation. In a risk-based plan, a testing group chooses test instances that cover the application’s most affected areas by modifications within the project. For example, regression checks concentrate on product areas with the best noticed danger of high quality concerns.

Erp Testing Information – Process, Varieties, Advantages And Challenges

This kind of last regression testing should be taken up to certify that the functionality has not been altered and affected due to new code modifications. This testing proves gives a green signal by the testers to maneuver the code to manufacturing. Manual regression testing is more efficient within the early stages of the product delivery process.

regression testing in scrum

It helps make certain that the software program system remains secure and reliable throughout the event or upkeep process. The approach you select will vary based on your circumstances, the scale of your codebase, the variety of testers in your team, and your available sources. The next step is to schedule the automation for the check suites, either weekly or as soon as, at a set time. The focus here is on testing functionalities utilizing current take a look at cases—even when there are not any adjustments to the present codebase—to check if every thing features perfectly. Individual parts of the codebase are tested with out their dependencies and integrations. Execute and automate regression testing with a robust check automation software that complements the agile workflow of your testing projects.

Regression Testing In Agile – Challenges And Solutions

It is usually taken up to check when more than one code change has been done. This testing must be performed before any main release or product delivery to make sure all functionalities proceed to work seamlessly. In the past few years, Agile methodologies have increased the success price in software growth tasks, improved quality and also enhanced pace to market, elevated the productivity and motivation of IT teams.

This type of regression testing has a narrow approach and is focused on particular person models of code. Agile methodology favors working software program over comprehensive documentation. Lack of detailed documentation can make it difficult to understand what must be tested and to identify potential areas of impact when changes are made.

regression testing in scrum

If the QA staff gets behind on take a look at creation, regression testing can easily turn out to be a bottleneck. Obviously, repeating tests of increasingly expanding codebases is time-consuming, not to mention tedious and vulnerable to error if carried out manually. Additionally, regression check instances must be stored updated by eradicating test cases related to beforehand examined features and adding these pertaining to the newly added ones. In the meantime, although, the influence of the technical debt must be accounted for when performing Product Backlog refinement, Sprint Planning, and throughout the Sprint. Once you are in Sprint Planning, you additionally want to contemplate the impression of the tech debt on the group’s capacity to get work to a Done state.

There isn’t a single a part of the software program in reality that’s 100 percent bug-free. The developer makes modifications that may embrace adding new options, bug fixes, performance points, etc. While adding new features or fixing bug issues, we are able to land up creating new bugs, which can influence the efficiency and functionality of the prevailing tested software. Therefore, a specific stage of functionality must be obtained and sustained through correct testing. But with a dependable regression take a look at suite, a developer can take a look at the compatibility of a brand new characteristic with all present functionalities earlier than they check the branch back into master. In this fashion, regression testing turns into a safety internet that helps builders concentrate on the model new performance they’re building.

The Means To Build A Regression Testing Technique For Agile Teams

Regression testing is the process of testing software purposes to ensure that current modifications in code, similar to new features or bug fixes, haven’t adversely affected current options. Its major goal is to catch unintended unwanted effects that may come up after modifying the software. Regression testing performs an important function within the software improvement lifecycle, serving to to guarantee that adjustments to the software program do not introduce unexpected regressions or break present functionalities. Rather than manually reviewing every UI component throughout various devices and browsers, automated regression testing can shortly locate these visual bugs. Not all regressions are the consequence of a new function or routine bug fixes. They may additionally be the outcome of a new browser variations, database updates or other setting modifications.

Regression testing entails re-testing a portion of the software after the last adjustments or additions to guarantee that the product performance was not changed in any unfavorable way. If performed right, regression testing after every modification can help the groups find any important bug if present. When a UI change breaks the take a look at, the test will continue failing until someone refactors it to match the new UI. If you don’t repair damaged exams, your take a look at suite will become out-of-date and begin returning extra failures than passes, and failure categorization will take a very long time. If the regression suite turns into stale, your group will lose religion in it and should stop utilizing it altogether. When developers are writing code for new features, it’s onerous to remember all the intricate ways the new code may work together with existing code.

How your group decides to deal with that work is up to you to decide. You would possibly need to have a look at a number of the matters in this discussion board related to User Acceptance Testing for ideas.

  • Effectively, if a parallel run of automated regression testing is performed, then the process can enormously save time and improve the software program quality.
  • It takes quite a bit of time to take care of and replace the regression testing suite.
  • But with a reliable regression take a look at suite, a developer can take a look at the compatibility of a brand new feature with all current functionalities earlier than they check the department again into grasp.
  • It works properly enough for agile growth the place the developers look ahead to deploying the product at least weekly and haven’t any time for warming-up handbook regression testing.
  • Many software startups can’t afford the extra developer headcount or time necessary to construct the test suite.

Regression testing consists of executing the beforehand designed tests all over again. However, in the actual world, each time a new characteristic is launched, it needs to be examined together with all the already present features. With every new build, there’s a risk that recent code will conflict with beforehand written code, thus disrupting present features or features. Let’s contemplate you’re working on a web site, and a new feature has been added to the login functionality. You need to ensure that this new feature does not introduce any regressions or impact the prevailing functionalities of the website.

High Regression Testing Tools

Such software testing generates high ROI (Return on Investment) and is much less time consuming since the whole testing is executed through automated exams. In a true sense, improvement is completed on one characteristic and basically the testing must be done on all new and old options that were developed earlier. However, the primary drawback with guide regression testing is that it’s effort and time-consuming.

Open post

Bennett: We Got Our Hands on Iran’s Deception Plan

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday published documents he said were taken from Iran. The documents, procured in the daring 2018 raid, show Iranian intelligence spied on the UN’s atomic agency in order to better cover up its rogue nuclear activities.

Bennett tweeted a link to the Google Drive files, which are in Persian, along with a video in which he responded to remarks by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian dismissing the spying allegations last week at the Davos Economic Forum as “Zionist lies.” (Prior to this, the files had been shown only to the US.) “Iran lied to the world, Iran is lying to the world again right now, and the world must make sure that Iran doesn’t get away scot-free,” Bennett warned.

As Iran continues to be exposed for its true intentions and continues to repeat its lies, the pressure on Israel continues to grow with urgency for her to be prepared against any attack by Iran.

‘The proof’: PM publishes seized papers he says show Iran spied on UN nuke watchdog, by TOI Staff and Agencies, May 31, 2022





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